Coffee & Fall love


with a new season upon us, we’ve been enjoying overdoses of coffee, leaves and fall colours.we bought the indie coffee passport & honestly i’m having so much fun discovering new coffee places with my little one.The passport includes 24 different places and you have a choice of 1 drink on each (yeah!)So far, our favorites: Replika & The KnifeCon la nueva estacion con nosotros, hemos estado disfrutando una sobredosis de cafe, hojas y colores de otoño.Compramos el indie coffee passport y honestamente hemos disfrutado mucho descubrir nuevos cafes con nuestro pequeño. El pasaporte incluye 24 lugares diferentes donde tienes derecho a 1 bebida cada uno.Hasta ahora nuestros favoritos, Replika y The Knife.

the fall collection arrived at VdeV! one of the cutest hidden gems of Plateau.Of course I bought one of these bowls!

Finally visited Vestibule, art de vivreLooked like a local (and cutest) Anthropologie fait au Quebec (proudly!)Loved all the dresses, lingerie and home accesories. 

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