
Dear Studio: It’s Not a Goodbye, It’s a New Beginning

Here we are dear studio life, seven years later closing a chapter of many adventures and challenges.

Surprisingly, It doesn’t feel sad, because it feels like a new era is about to begin for us, right? The old Maca-getter would disagree and would see this as a huge fail, until I read something a few months ago that changed me entirely:

YOU are the magic, not the place, and YOU can bring it wherever you go

I’m officially saying goodbye to my lovely studio space I rented the past years (insert screams: AT LAST! I have room to make my very own home studio – remember my home reno?) so, let me thank you for:

Hey Maca Studio

The many moments experienced • all the happy memories • the bday parties thrown • the Pantone walls • the tears & smiles you saw • the fun photos/videos I took • the stop motion days • the many wood dust moments • all the food deliveries eaten • the three studios I could decorate • the people I met on the hallways •

the team I had the chance to have • the many hours you saw me working • the lines I wrote inside your walls • the happy dances alone • the love I could feel every time I opened the door in the morning • the closet sales organized • my neighbours and the building staff I got to meet • the many yummy escapes to Mckiernan • the love I received here • the COVID days I escaped here alone • the Christmas days when I saw snow falling near these big beautiful windows •

the crazy fun video shootings you witnessed • all the lovely people and companies who used my studios to host parties, workshops and content creation • the days Oli and Nico felt my studio was their crafty playground • the amount of hot glue I left in every corner • the “let me redecorate this corner again” every month • the chance I had to have you for so so long • but mostly, the 7 years of experiences that made me feel so complete & loved •

Pastel pink office decor

I can’t wait to start the new Hey Maca Studio at home, now that I finally have the space to have you here.

.. see, that’s why it doesn’t feel sad, because I will have you closer to my heart now ﹏

Want to follow our decor adventures? Run here 

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