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Our Easter Weekend, 2019!

I can’t believe I’m finally saying “happy easter, everyone!”this post is a bit different from what I usually do, it’s a bit more candid and a little recap of our weekend, something some of you asked on Instagram a few weeks back, so I guess it’s time!We were planning a road trip to Toronto to see the family and unexpectedly, we had to change plans and stay in Montreal very last minute, so my egg hunt “Pinterest style” was kinda canceled as well. I wanted to relax a bit (even though I had to work), ALL I really wanted was a slow long weekend, I didn’t want a full-produced easter lunch or my home full of people like it usually is.Esteban stayed home Friday and it felt like a Sunday, we did home chores, went to the park and a petting zoo, Nico lost his 4th tooth (OH MY GOD), I baked my second “quesillo” or flan and it was AHHmazing, and we even prepared a homemade BBQ, our first one this season (my heart is SO happy).Here are a few photos of our weekend and a cute list of activities you can plan with your kiddos this month if you’re in the city.
We visited the centre d’histoire de Montreal for a special family activity, Montreal en couleurs. We toured the expo67 exhibition and the guide showed the kids the meaning of forms and patterns all over the city (I thought it was SO cool). At the 3rd level, there’s a beautiful corridor in the heart of Old port where the drawing activity started, Nico and Oli drew with a piece of a transparent sheet, the buildings, windows, doors and the old architecture of the city. (SO COOL!)They understood the concept of dimensions, something a biiiit more advanced for Oli, but she had a great time drawing lines in pink, of course.we brought back home a little piece of art, Nico was SO proud about it!   
Wishing my Easter brunch was as cute as this day!
my proud big boy, losing his fourth tooth during Easter weekend

Some family-friendly activities this month in Montreal:

(in case you need some ideas)

Allo, les cocos!
Wishing you a lovely week, and a happy Spring!

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