Yay Things of the Week: Oli’s Bday, My Bday & Some Unexpected Winter Love

a flower champ blurry photography

Five years ago, I was super pregnant, shooting some insulin and very nervous about my planned C-section at 8am, the next morning. Oli was a big baby girl born on January 18th with the sweetest cheeks and awwww-dorable baby smell. This week, I remembered all her epic moments, and I still can’t believe how on earth she is so big and five years old already. 

Where’s my baby girl? Donde? 

a mama day in the life
no sew rope bowls DIY

This week meant: go back to work, Maca! To my surprise, this January was oddly a bit hard to go back to: we are still in lockdown, still in the middle of a global pandemic and still with no sight of changes in the short time. So yes, I was so lost this week. I couldn’t concentrate a lot, couldn’t finish my cute planned content I had on Trello for the blog, and I had to go back to working solo while this new strict lockdown is ON. 
The bright side? I created these EPIC no-sew rope bowls for HGTV and I still cannot get over how easy and beautiful they are. Check my latest DIY project here.

We *finally* had (am I really saying this?) about 20 cmts of snow in the city and we are SO happy about it! Oli spent almost all day outside with her new bestie, this gigantic snowman! 

My love for pottery this week was, well, dreamy. Even though I accidentally broke most of the pieces I had done since I started my course (and cried like a baby while picking the mess up), I got inspired and created new pieces with sweet details, like this mug! For my birthday, my husband got me the sweetest pottery tool kit, so I ran to the studio to use them ALL a minute after.  

Pegboard organization ideas
Pink scalloped skirt outfit

I wore my new scallop pink skirt to go to… my living room! but, on a brighter note, we now have an epic pegboard life situation at the studio in the storage/DIY room keeping everything SO organized, as I love (you know it).

colourful embroidery floss projects

*teleporting to the 90’s when I made MANY friendship bracelets with these*

Pottery at home: tips and how to
Pottery at home

For real, how cute are these pieces OMG! 

Nico also had one week of school at home that I truly loved (I know, it’s weird) but homework time with this dude is the best mama activity in my list (for real!). 

colorful closet sale sample

Another week, another closet sale! 

Did you check out the Instagram account where I host these closet drops? 

You? How was your week? 

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