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International Day of Pink: My Faves to Celebrate!

Did you know we celebrate today the International Day of Pink? 

and what’s more inspiring, is that this important holiday is not dedicated to fashion, but it is a global observance dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and all forms of intolerance. 

Proudly, It was created in Canada back in 2007 when two high school students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand against homophobic bullying by wearing pink shirts. They distributed pink shirts to fellow students as a sign of solidarity and support for a fellow student who had been bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

Since then, the International Day of Pink has grown into a global movement where people wear pink clothing to symbolize their commitment to combatting bullying and discrimination in all its forms. Schools, workplaces, community organizations, and individuals around the world participate in various events and activities to promote inclusion, respect, and diversity.

I’m joining this beautiful movement with this adorable round up of my favourite pink items to celebrate it, proudly with each of you – because it’s wednesday and we wear pink.



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