Kale chips – Heaven!!!!!

one thing that my friend Armando showed me a long time ago was how to bake kale chips YUUUMMMMMMM!!!! that’s all i have to say.

How to prepare them? Easy ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wash and dry Kale and remove any weird part.. lol..
  • Rip them into chip sizes
  • Spray olive oil on top of the kale
  • sprinkle with sea salt (or whatever you’d like to add)
  • Bake for 15 min at 300 degrees et Voila!!!!!

The best part? Only 36 calories in 1 cup and an excellent source of vitamins K, A and C and a good source of the minerals manganese, copper, iron and calcium ๐Ÿ™‚armando, que serio!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. I love this my friend!!! I want more post like this pretty pretty pleaseeeeee

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