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I’ve been obsessed with bags for the longest time ever. You can ask my husband and he’ll count them for you and joke every now and then about how come I have so many. As soon as I had my baby girl Olivia, I wanted to find a comfortable and cute diaper bag where I could fit everything I needed without losing my style.
You fellow mamas can understand me completely when my fashionista side pops up and now being a mom of two, my diaper bag is my key essential accessory I carry every-single-day, yay to this new trend of cute diaper bags!

When I found Newlie, I was beyond stoked I could wear this bag with my entire closet, fit my personal belongings and carry over Olivia’s and Nico’s little things in one single purse.

I learned how complicated and busy things can be being a mama of two so that’s why I decided to put together a smart list for you of what are the best essentials you’ll need in your diaper bag every day. No worries, you can thank me later (:

1. BAG – Of course you NEED a comfy bag big enough where you can fit everything. My new Lily Tote has a perfect size and it’s made from a super high-quality leather in a funky and happy colour I adored. It is water resistant and has 6 interior pockets for your baby bottles, diapers, wipes and 2 exterior ones for my personal things like phone, wallet, and agenda (that I carry everywhere). A great changing pad is included so you won’t have to worry about a new one and a cross body strap will allow you to wear it in two different ways.

2. DRINK – If you already transitioned to formula like me, this is the number one priority in your bag. I always carry on 3 bottles (of 7oz of water on each one) plus my formula ready to serve. If you’re still breastfeeding don’t forget a Nursing cover, some nipple cream and nipple pads in case you need to replace them in the middle of the day.

3. EAT – Olivia is eating solids now so I must have a snack with me all the time. I’ve been including 2 organic fruit pouches, a set of spoons, a mini serving bowl, 2 bibs and kleenex. Also, I add some extras for her like 2 rice cakes that are super practical when you’re in a hurry or in the middle of something. Don’t forget to include something for you mama! I know we tend to forget to snack (happens to me all the time) So I’m trying to behave and add a portion of fruits, a bottle of water and a granola bar, way to go healthy life!

4. CLEAN – Yes to diapers and wipes! I include 5 diapers and a lot of wipes, you can’t have too many!. I tend to use wipes for everything  I confess I’m kind of addicted, to be honest.

5. PAMPER – An amazing trick I discovered thanks to my mom is to always have baby powder, my bff when it’s too hot and to get off the sand out in all those hard places you can’t reach (if you know what I mean, lol). Include also your favorite diaper rash cream, I usually use Aveeno.

6. FUN –  Is your baby teething like mine? I simply can’t go out without a teething toy. Olivia needs to put something in her mouth so I try to have at least 3 different (and very small) toys for her. A cute swaddling blanket is also a must in my bag.

7. CLOTHES – Accidents will happen, trust me in this one and you’ll need at least 2 change of clothes to avoid any blow-out running/crying situations, I’ve been there twice and I learned my lesson very well. Also, keep a pair of socks and little shoes, just in case.

8. EXTRAS – You’ll always find these handy from time to time:
For Olivia: baby nail clippers, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, vaseline, thermometer, teething cream and Tylenol if she’s fuzzy that day.
For mama: wallet, cell phone charger, a pen and agenda, lipstick, a mirror, my black eyeliner and gum.

Disclaimer: I received this bag from Newlie, all comments expressed here are my own.

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  1. Such a stylish bag! I love how roomy it is too 🙂 Have a lovely week xo, sharonhttp://www.stylelullaby.com/beauty/mermaid-hair/

  2. How chic and stylish is that diaper bag?! I'd totally wear it as a tote!XoXo,Tamara – LoveofMode.com

  3. My diaper bag is so not trendy, I need an upgrade. I have two littles of my own so this speaks directly to me. Perfect!

  4. You are one stylin mama! lol seriously, this is too cute. I wish I was half this stylish when my son was a babe. Will have to keep this in mind for child number 2? Ha! Thanks for sharing =)

  5. Wow!! Your blog is so cool!! I love the photos and website design! -Stephaniethesteezyblog.com

  6. I love the colours and your photography is awesome (especially the pic with the red and pink walls – epic!). And this post is so cute (I hope I will be as stylish a mother someday)!

  7. The bag looks amazing and its spacious too! I will share your post with my mommy friends!

  8. Such a fun photoshoot!#IhavethisthingwithwallsYou look gorgeous and the kids are so cute ^_^

  9. would never have guessed that was a diaper bag, looks like something I'd wear as just a normal bag, looks great lol =^.^=

  10. Very useful bag you got there for all the newbie mommies. My wife is also very particular with the stuffs she put inside the bag.

  11. That's a great bag! I have to say I've never seen a diaper bag look so much like a purse!

  12. This diaper bag is so cute! It totally looks like a regular tote. I can't believe how spacious it is on the inside!

  13. Love this post, so helpful for new mamas! Also, that diaper bag is so cute!xo Anna Elizabethwww.annaelizabethevents.com

  14. Love the inside shot of the bag.Almost makes me wish for another baby (almost?).I searched ages for something like this.I am also a cleansing wipe addict.I carry them everywhere. Very useful post.

  15. Love the inside shot of the bag.Almost makes me wish for another baby (almost?).I searched ages for something like this.I am also a cleansing wipe addict.I carry them everywhere. Very useful post.

  16. It is a nice blog, every new mom should have knowledge of this, and she should be purchase diaper bags with more spacing.

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