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Good Bye Daycare Days, Welcome Home, School Era!

13 days. Just this tiny amount of time and I’ll call myself a kindergarten mama. My sweet boy will be starting this month school and all the emotions, tears and excitement are happening right now, including doing some real prep time with Nico and transitioning from his beloved daycare to his “big” school.While Nico is getting ready for all things big boy, Olivia is imitating and following every step, and her learning curve has been so quick I’m pretty impressed with what this lady can do and say every day. She’s two and a half and acts like a five-year-old already (god bless my patience, lol).I have to confess (and most of my friends noticed this) I’m attached to good people and I have such a hard time saying bye to them. I know this new chapter will do amazing things for both our kiddos and I can’t wait to see them grow, but sometimes I struggle thinking how I’ll miss our daycare, their teachers, how Nico learned everything he knows there, how he’ll miss his first friends, and how fantastic they have been with us. I know he will remember those days dearly, as much as I will.To keep him motivated and stoked about his big step, I discover two new interactive and educational toys from Vtech and Leapfrog (Nico has been using different toys from them for a while and he’s the biggest fan), enhancing its creativity, curiosity and showing him learning new things can be FUN!
For Nico – LeapFrog LeapStart® 3D
This boy of mine is ultra visual and loves to learn new things with tons of colors and when it’s interactive we are speaking his language. Don’t you find our kids are way too advanced with the technology nowadays? I find it fascinating how fast they learn and how they remember everything when there’s an interactive system helping. The new LeapStart 3D tablet got Nico as soon as he saw the 3D animations that magically appeared bringing activities to life, SO much fun! 

This tablet is So perfect for visual learners, it will allow them to touch, follow activities and hear instructions solving tasks in math, reading, shapes and colors, numbers and a ton more. We bought three books to start our training together, and I sure won the mom of the year prize! 

These books are sold separately, and you can find a variety of subjects and levels. We bought this onethis one and this

For Olivia – Touch & Learn, Activity Desk Deluxe
A three-in-one learning desk (excuse moi!? magic?) that has a ton of different features for little ones. Oli is loving she can play piano, explore letters and numbers, and also use it as a chalkboard if she wants to. You know those days when our babies got bored with a toy in like, 5 seconds? Those old days are so over and Oli proved this with her new activity desk from VTech. 

What we absolutely love about it? We can buy activity cards with different content like letters, music, colors, numbers and they are all interactive. There’s a telephone, you can listen to tunes on the music player while learning tons of new things. We are putting the human body and numbers activity packs on our shopping list for our next purchases for our little Oli. 

High-five my sweet lady, so proud of you!

Nico is discovering shapes with dinosaurs, sold right? 

See the happiness I was talking about? She’s just IN LOVE.

Thank you VTech/LeapFrog for sponsoring this post today. All opinions and love expressed in this post is 100% ours. 

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