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My Gestational Diabetes Journey and How SunLife is Helping Now

Gestational diabetes, the unknown world I experienced four years ago during my last trimester with Oli.My world turned upside down when the scary, long glucose test was positive (and I had to take it twice to be sure, ouff), so yes, positive, at 32 weeks pregnant of my baby girl. At first, I didn’t know what to expect from this to be 100% honest. Family history? none. A very close friend living with diabetes? none.So this was clearly a new learning curve for this mama and the one that changed my habits, forever.Here’s what I learned from those days and what wonderful local companies like Sun Life  are doing to create awareness on how to stay healthy & active with an innovative type 2 Diabetes prevention program that I had the chance to experience a few days ago in Montreal.

Educate yourself first and learn how to prevent diabetes

After living a few weeks with gestational diabetes, I learned so many things, including that 1 in 3 Canadians are currently affected by Diabetes, but did you know that type 2 diabetes can be prevented? Fortunately, here are some smart tips you’ll love to be healthier and yes, you can start little by little.

  • Learn how to control your portions: this was key to start with and it was a huge lifestyle adjustment for me and my family. We started to do snacks throughout the day with loads of veggies, fruits, and protein. 
  • Stay active: I walked more, I joined the gym and started pilates at least 3 days a week. Physical activity is key to control our blood sugar levels while keeping you relaxed and trust me, happy.
  • Sleep and be merry: I know, being a mama of two and sleeping 8 hours sounds like mission impossible, but having a solid night sleep as a routine will help prevent diabetes, yes, for real. 

What about our kids, what should we do?

Preventing diabetes in kids is as important as during pregnancy. The rise of type 2 is everywhere around us and the more I educated myself of the risks and complications during my pregnancy, the more conscious I was to teach them little the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and here’s what you can do, now:

  • Skip (as much as you can) juices: We have that rule at home and we try to stick to it as much as we can. Juices are full of sugar and there’s nothing better than eating real, real fruits. 
  • Make exercise, and have tons of fun: Take long walks to the park, play with the snow, bike to your school, are some of the family rituals we do every week, showing both Nico & Oli that being active can be also ultra fun! 
  • Encourage less screen time and more real activities: More crafting, more drawing and more real human experiences will also nourish their mental development, without any doubts. 

Now that we know how to prevent diabetes, how’s Sun Life helping? What’s Sun Life Dunk for Diabetes?

Proudly, I had the chance to meet, see and hear what’s all about the Sun Life Dunk for Diabetes initiative during their special and first initiative launched in Quebec last week and I have to say, BRAVO! This program is the first one of its kind in the province, in association with  the NBA, the Toronto Raptors, and Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada and Sun Life, as a great organizer and host, will help kids to understand the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle and how to prevent Type 2 diabetes, including:

  •  A complete six-week program, where kids will participate in a draft party (just like the NBA draft) and they’ll celebrate with Raptors personalities, signing their commitment with a contract to a new, fun, healthy living. 
  • Each week, these lucky participants will learn challenges (all basketball inspired), healthy nutrition education all encouraged by Sun Life advisors and videos featuring Toronto Raptors players (how cool is this?)
  • This program is such an inspiration to bring awareness and education to little ones of the Dawson Boys and Girls Club in Montreal. 

Want more information about this initiative? Just run here.

Always remember, we can control everything and our health should be our number one goal.We can’t buy it anywhere but we can build strong, active and beautiful kids along the way. 
Endless thanks to Sun Life for sponsoring this post and showing us this initiative in our city.All opinions expressed in this post are entirely mine. 

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