
Happy Holidays! Our family vacation starts, now!

Weekend activities for kids during christmas

Happy Holidays! Our family vacations starts, NOW!

pinch me, because I’m writing vacations over here! 

This current life of working non-stop for this family needed a well deserved time off with our little ones and I’m SO happy that we’ll do absolutely nothing in the next two weeks. 

Indulge some hot chocolate? count with me! Watch all the avengers because I’ve missed like 8 movies the past years? yeeeeeeees to this! Stay warm at home because somehow-30 celsius happened and it is something my little heart can’t take it? yep, true story.

We attended to many Christmas celebrations, and this precious moment when Oli met Santa for the first time was PRICELESS. She sat on his lap and hugged him, like old friends do, you know? 

This was the first Christmas party for families at Moment Factory (my husband’s work), and the very first time she meets Santa Claus (insert crying Maca over here).

Decorate cookies with kids

Baking during our family vacations? YES! with mama, of course!

Christmas Decor

I am so beyond proud and thankful to have this baby girl by my side. My little style twin!

Blueberry Crepes
Christmas at Moment Factory

even daddy wore a jammie! wow!

Simple natural scrubs in steps

This event (hosted by my talented friend Vanessa and Bonne Maman) was my favourite of the season. We did many simple yet adorable DIYs like a homemade scrub with natural essential oils!

How to do a natural scrub at home
DIY scrub: in single steps
Christmas jammies

proof that I also wore the most amazing jingle jammie (all gifted by Old Navy, omg!) 

Christmas tree decor

Happiest holidays!! Love each of you, with all my heart!

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