Yay Things of The Week: All The Feelings Edition!

Daycare graduation photo inspo

This is the happiest girl during her first little graduation while mama was tearing a bit, capturing this moment of joy. 

This week I felt ALL the feelings seeing my little Oli finish her daycare era and getting ready for a new beginning (I’m still not ready for this, okay?). 

Life has been filled with many emotions, bright days filled with picnics & friends (finally, we can do this in Montreal), yummy breakfast sitting in an actual restaurant after so many months in lockdown (OMG, OMG!), visits to the family doctor to adjust my medication (I’m back to it, so we’ll talk about this later on), pottery days making the happiest scallop plates (I can’t wait to show you), and many plans for the blog I’ve been kind of pushing for *when I have energy* lately.

I haven’t been the most productive, go-getter entrepreneur Maca self in the past weeks, but hey! I’m back here to show you a tiny bit of what our days have been lately, yay! 

Pink flower shop design

This gotta be my dreamy space and if you’re in Montreal and haven’t visited yet, what are you waiting for?

Tennis outfit summer 2021

This mama has been playing tennis (QUE?) and working out lately, leaving all the excuses aside and making some time to have fun and move my body! 

It feels so good to be back to this, right?

Brunch table during summer

Insert all tears: we made it to a restaurant in 2021. Note to self: never forget, Maca.

Content creator Studio Decor

Happy days at the studio lately, where I’ve been meditating, packing orders, snacking and missing Moshi (because I’m that kind of cat mom now)

Scalloped porcelain plates design

I’m in fuuuull production making these colourful scallop plates, it feels so amazing to experience and learn more and more about pottery (for real!). 

If you want to check more pieces, I have a few left on the shop here.

Persian kitty cat

He’s been the sweetest thing the past three months with us at home, and in case you missed it, I wrote a blog post with all the things I’ve got for Moshi, over here.

Best Books 2021

Believe it or not, I’ve been reading books this year like crazy! I was that kind of girl who bought many books, read a few chapters and never had time to finish them. 

I’ll be writing a blog post with my favourite discoveries lately, stay tuned!

Persian kitty cat

Another pic of Moshi before I go because OMG HE’S SO CUTE!

Hope you had a lovely week, filled with hugs and love, deal?

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