37 Reasons Why You’ll Love Being 37

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A few years back, I wrote a magical list why I loved being 30s that I still, ADORE.  I remember telling my mom on my birthday, wow, I’m so close to 40 (kinda scared) and she told me something I’ll never forget: you age only if you want to, age is only a number and shouldn’t define who you are or how you feel. 


So, today, with each passing year, I want to tell YOU 37 reasons why you’ll love being 37.

Shall we start? 

Why You'll love being 37

1. You’ll feel nostalgic about many memories and will learn to appreciate everything even more.

2. Takes absolute no shit from no one: check!

3. Money isn’t everything at this point, and spending precious time with friends are family is everything. 

4. Crockpot, Air Fryer and Tasty are your besties.

5. Also, spanxs will be your holy grail.

6. I don’t really know why but tomato juice tastes so much better now.

7. Vitamins and serums in the morning became your alarm clock. Oh HELLO collagen and biotin! 

8. You became more conscious of your lifestyle, what you eat, what you drink and what you buy. 

9. You wear a t-shirt that says “compost, please”. 

10. Calls with your mom are now so fun (at least for me, they are our weekly ritual). 

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11. You’ll appreciate everything SO much more: the ranunculus season, the smell of coffee in the morning, the extra hours of sleep.

12. Travel isn’t the same thing now, because you appreciate many details a lot more than before. 

13. You now understand the saying “collect moments, and not things” 

14. RRSP became your fave acronym to date.

15. You don’t feel old, you feel you have the right age.

16. Time is the most valuable thing YOU own and have. 

17. If you’re a mom like me, you discover toddler age is the best and you even enjoy the tantrums (okay, sometimes, sometimes).

18. 37 is the new 27. Duh. 

19. Changing things you don’t enjoy doing only happen when you start, and now you get THIS.

20. Saying “no” isn’t that hard as before, right?

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21. You can’t understand TikTok – just…  yet. 

22. Kale chips and roasted chickpeas are both still trending in your life. 

23. You don’t want to lose weight to be “perfectly skinny”, you want to do it to live better. 

24. Finally, cellulite is part of you and you kinda accept to hang with her. 

25. Charbon water, collagen water and keto? Yep, all check! 

26. It’s hard for you to make new friends, and the ones you have by your side, are your long time besties. (forever thankful of this).

27. You’re proud of what you’ve achieved and done so far. 

28. Twitter is amazing all over again for you (and giphy as well).

29. You become intolerant to a lot of things and non-dairy options are your fave new sports.

30. Keeping a chat with yourself is the most amazing strategy you’ve done to date.

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31. You learned how to meditate, you love podcasts and cool concerts are your top three things in 2020. 

32. Lists, lists, are now more important than EVER (because you tend to forget everything, eh?).

33. Amazon-Prime-everything (point).

34. You appreciate designer-things in sale (hello you, loeffler randall!)

35. Your family IS and WILL be everything. 

36. Diets are a myth, good nutrition and a balanced lifestyle is your new mojo.

37. WOW, 37 is pretty epic, RIGHT? 

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