
Current Mood: All Our Favourite Cat Products We Love for Moshi!

Stylish Cat Products

Three months ago a little snowball arrived at home, Moshiiiii! And honestly, this little ray of sunshine was all we needed after a full year into lockdown without friends and family around every weekend. 

We lost our 18 year old cat, Super, and honestly, it was so sad & traumatizing that we thought we wouldn’t be able to move on and have another pet at home. 

… buuuuut Maca happened, I begged my husband to at least go see this cutie fluff cat I found on the internet (from a breeder in our city) and as soon as we met him for the first time, I knew he was the one. 

Moshi is the sweeeeetest and most playful little fur baby who’s almost 4 months old, so in today’s post, I’m bringing you aaaaall our favourite products I’ve discovered (or used) for him.

Hope you love ’em all! 

Stylish cat products you need to try in 2021

01. Scalloped ceramic bowl set – this is honestly, UNREAL! it’s a 3-in-1 set including a bowl, plate, and spoon, I mean, the cutest thing!

02. Odour proof litter box – I struggled so so much when we had Super a few years ago because we couldn’t find a good litter box to control the smell inside our condo at the time, but OMG, this one is magical! It comes with one-of-a-kind air circulation technology allows litter to dry naturally and uninterrupted, 100% recommended!

03. Flower comb – If your cat is into water just like Moshi, this comb is magical (and so adorable!)

04. Recycled and biodegradable litter – Another topic I investigated tons, the best option (and an eco alternative) for my new baby fur, and we absolutely looove this biodegradable, light weight litter made exclusively from 100% recycled paper.

05. Terrazzo bowl – A fun and larger version of a bowl in case you have a big pet at home with a big appetite 

06. Colourful cat toys – Moshi loooooves colourful toys and these ones are just purrrfection (pun totally intended)

07. Rotating track bowl turntable – I love this wooden option and I can’t wait to get it for Moshi!

08. Cat igloo – Isn’t this the cuuuutest thing ever? Available in two tones, beige and pink!

09. Adjustable scratching mat – IKEA made this brilliant scratching mat that quickly transforms a common table leg into a scratch mat where your cat can stretch and sharpen their claws! 


What’s your favourite?


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