
Hey Maca Turned Eleven Years This Month & Here are My Biggest Lessons

I remember 11 years ago very much pregnant, reading and following many blogs and dreaming one day I could do that for a living. Back then, I bought my first DSLR camera and decided I was going to start posting my favourite recipes and my life as a brand new immigrant mama that just had 3 years living in Montreal. 

Took my first maternity leave and between baby naps, baby bottles and sleepless nights, I invested all my energy creating, photographing, learning new skills and being truly consistent. 

Eleven years passed and I’m celebrating this month the exciting journey of being a creator (that started as a blogger and now evolved to so much more), sharing with you the valuable lessons I have learned throughout these years (6 of them as a full-time entrepreneur) shaping me as a creator, business owner and now DIY expert. 

Embrace a lifelong learning experience 

In the ever-changing digital landscape (hello, my life), continuously updating knowledge is vital. Understanding trends, algorithms, and best-practices is crucial for staying relevant and up to date as a creator nowadays. Embrace lifelong learning by attending webinars, conferences, and investing time in self-education as I did, it’s the best gift you’ll give yourself, pinky promise.

Diversify Your Income Streams

As a self-employed entrepreneur, relying solely on social media income can be VERY risky and that’s why since day one as a full-time creator I explored additional revenue streams, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, my shop, the studio, creating for brands, my new youtube channel and much more that can provide stability and growth opportunities.

Prioritize Self-Care and Balance

Social media can become all-consuming and draining, potentially leading to burnout (trust me, I’ve been here this year after allll the things). One thing I’ve learned is recognizing the importance of self-care, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and setting my well-needed boundaries to ensure long-term success, to keep doing what I love the most, creating.

Stay Passionate and Curious

Maintaining the passion and curiosity is what fuels creativity and drives success, truly. Keep exploring new ideas, experimenting, learning new skills (hello, using new tools, new materials) and evolving, ensuring that your entrepreneurial  journey remains exciting and fulfilling.


Set Realistic Goals

And don’t be hard on yourself while doing it. Strategic goal setting is vital in any entrepreneurial endeavor and I did it every year, since I started this ride. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Breaking them down into smaller milestones helps maintain focus and celebrates achievements along the way.

Consistent Content Creation

Consistency is paramount in the content creator world. Regularly publishing high-quality content not only keeps your audience engaged but also establishes your community. Set a realistic posting schedule, with a tailored niche (I started with food and evolved to lifestyle, design, fashion and DIY with the years) and be con-sis-tent. Post every week, create unique content that teaches something and helps solving a problem – this is key.

Thank you for making my dream career come true and for all your support the past eleven years of magic. Embrace resilience, authenticity and continuous learning to keep growing a business owner. Never be afraid of failing, those are the lessons we need to achieve all your goals and finding long-lasting success. 

Love you all!

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