
Create a Unique Essential Oil Diffuser with Mini Mirror Tiles: A Step-by-Step DIY Guide!

Welcome to our DIY guide on how to create a unique essential oil diffuser using mini mirror tiles, yay! It’s been a while and I miss it here, you?

If you’re passionate about aromatherapy and love a touch of FUN in your home decor (my specialty!), this project is perfect for you. With just a few materials from the dollar store and simple steps, you’ll be able to craft a stunning and personalized essential oil diffuser that not only spreads delightful scents throughout your space but also adds a touch of shimmer and style.

So, let’s get creative and learn how to make your very own essential oil diffuser using mini mirror tiles.

Maca holding mirror tiles

Materials Required:

  • Essential Oil Diffuser
  • Mini Mirror Tiles (from the Dollar Store – WIN!)
  • Your Favourite Essential Oils

How to:

  • Start by cleaning your essential oils diffuser removing any dust before applying the tiles.
  • Take your mini mirror tiles and start placing them from the top to bottom, remove the tiles from the backing and glue them directly to the base.
  • As soon as you finish attaching all your tiles, add water to the diffuser and a few drops of your favourite essential oil and place it in your favourite area of your home, for a relaxing time.

My Favourite Oils for Relaxation

When we talk about relaxing, essential oils are my forever favourite routine, and I pick scents that are sweet, inspiring and experiment with unique blends that scream Maca. Here are my top faves:

  • Lavender: Of course the best one for calming any day, and not only that, Lavender promotes relaxation and a better sleep, yay!
  • Mint/Eucalyptus: I love how refreshing this mix is, helping me with any migraines, clearing the airways and improve any allergies, it’s the best medicine!
  • Peppermint: If I could marry a herb, peppermint would be the one. I love this uplifting aroma that boost my mood any time, any day.
  • Palo Santo: It’s a warm, woody, and soft oil that I use to concentrate when I’m creating new DIY projects, and creating a peaceful ambiance at the studio.
  • Lemon: I mean, how can you not love it? It feels fresh, clean, a bit of summery energy entering any space, trust me.

Hope you LOVE this DIY idea, and I cannot wait to see you in the next DIY around here.

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