
The September Edit

Bohemian kitchen decor

September is here (can I hear a long woooooohooooo in the back? wooooohoo!) and so is a new tradition on the blog: start a new edit every month celebrating my goals, my favourite products, things I’d love to do and how excited I am to start another month of the year, yay!

Say welcome to the September edit, dedicating this month to many colourful and sweet home decor items that I have saved for inspiration (and I wish I had in the studio, STAT) – nothing new here, lol!

If we talk about goals and what I’d love to do in this new season and month, I’d say without a single doubt: stay-covid-free MY GOD!. Since the kiddos started school last week, I’ve been as sick as a dog and I can’t wait to say HEY! I’m gooooooooda, let’s go have bruunch ladies! So, in a nutshell, I would say that’s my September goal folks, stay-freaking-covid-free, deal, September?

Let’s jump to the fun part and let me share with ya all my favourite products this month, shall we?

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