
A two year old experience

We’ve been experiencing this..

Me: Good Morning sunshine, let’s change the diaper!Nico: No.Me: Do you want bagels for breakfast?Nico: No.Me: What do you want then for breakfast?Nico: No.
Me: Do you want to say hello to Shupi? (our cat)Nico: No.Me: Do you want to see your friends at daycare?Nico: No.Me: What are you wearing today?Nico: No.
Me: Are you ready? Where’s your winter coat?Nico: No.Me: Can you say mamma?Nico: NoMe: Do you love me and do you love your daddy?Nico: No
Me: Can you say no?Nico: (no answer)Me: Do you want to play with Thomas (the train)?Nico: No.Me: Where do you want to go?Nico: No
We end up like this.This is two. and they are here.
How do you handle this? Any tips? 

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