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Our New Studio: Update Day 45

45 days already? but, HOW!?Between the holiday break and getting back to our work routine, our studio has been quiet lately, I guess that’s normal for everyone in January right?Having a somehow “quiet” time will give us time to finish our studio decor (which I’m extremely excited about) along with some intense and long brainstorming sessions with our team (high five girl power!) on what to do, what to offer, what to shoot in this space of ours.Here’s our official update:


Shelves are up and so are our colourful accessories that my lovely friend Joanna spray painted as soon as we moved in.A new table is also here, heeeello new workshop era! Our long table can accommodate up to 10 people and it’ll be the heart of our upcoming events and yummy eats.


Taaaadaaaaaa! these gigantic boxes you see, are our new furniture! I am beyond stoked to partner with Structube, a brand we ADORE to reveal our studio decor soon.Hints? All the velvet, and eclectic colours you’ll expect from our space: check!


all-the-goodies-are-here-you-guys! I’m thinking the best (and easiest) way to install a white floor for our shootings, so I’m exploring vinyl options at the moment. If you have a crazy good idea, shoot it to me! 

Can’t wait to show you our official reveal soon!

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