

Did you guys know there’s a National Ice cream Day? Last Sunday we celebrated this very important holiday in the newest spot near our home, Marche La Pantry.

They have the cutest outdoor area where you can have your dipped ice cream cones with lots of yummy flavours. We had a classic choco-vanilla cone and an Oreo-vanilla, both on point, you can ask Nico (:

Best part of this lovely shop? They serve ice creams every day until 9:30pm, yahoooo

P.s. We indulged just before Nico had his latest reaction to almonds this weekend (he is severely allergic to peanuts since he was one), so from now on, vanilla cones for you my little love ):

If you want to celebrate these summer days with ice cream as we did, here are some of our favourite shops in the city:

La Diperie 

Cremerie Dalla Rose 

Ca lem 

Kem coba 

Pandan Cremerie

Le Bilboquet

Havre aux glaces (Marche Atwater)

Have a lovely Ice cream day my lovelies, 


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  1. Awww how fun! Looks like a great trip with your little one. I totally missed Ice Cream day but, I am not opposed to celebrating this weekend 😉 xo Anna Elizabethwww.annaelizabethevents.com

  2. This is so adorable! I love it. Your kiddos are so cute. <3 I hope you enjoyed national ice cream day!

  3. how adorable. love the photos. i can't believe i missed national icecream day, next time i need to make sure there's a dairy free alternative in the house or i'll whip up some banana nice cream 🙂

  4. You're making me want ice cream now! Love the photos!-Mariewww.thatdarlinmarie.com

  5. Love Ice cream! Salted caramal is my favorite flavor. xxwww.annanuttall.com

  6. I totally missed ice cream day but LOVED your shots !:) Latasha @ Arts and Budgets

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