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Life Update and Hello Autumn!

It’s been a while since I don’t do a life update and I thought it’s the perfect timing now to welcome Autumn (no, I’m not over summer yet) and walk you guys on everything “HeyMaca”.
We haven’t stopped traveling, working endless hours, and not only me but my husband as well.
Here’s a recap of all things new:

  • A few weeks ago we visited Disneyland for the first time and  I’m still wowed with every single detail we experienced and yes, my full blog post is coming real soon. 
  • I’m completely obsessed with Nico’s lunch boxes, and the best part? He is too! I feel it’s our special bond these crazy days, and for the first time in a long time, I’m loving all over again, the art of “cooking” – doing my best here, friends!
  • I can’t – explain – my – current – home – mess. I can’t. 
  • Soonish, I’ll be organizing a closet sale with some blogger friends to say hello to the new season and also sell a TON of things I haven’t even worn. 
  • I need help. The past two months I haven’t stopped. Between being my own creative director, photographer, stylist, editor, sales manager, accountant and a mom of two, I stopped for a bit and decided I truly need help. Maybe an intern once a week? Maybe more blog editors? Who knows. 
  •  New travel adventures soon I CANNOT wait! Argentina and Charleston,  I’ll see you in 3 weeks and NYC, I’ll see you tomorrow!
  • Did I mention how much I love each of you and my morning coffee? 
  • Planning to do a lot more blog content this month, promise! 
  • Visited my doctor this week (yes, health should be first right?) and for 6 weeks, he asked me to eliminate lactose and gluten (and a bunch of other things) from my diet. I’ve been struggling with some stomach problems and weight swings, so now it’s time to do something about it. 
  • Current obsession: all the COS colorful dresses. Come on!!
  • I wish days could last 48hours. I need more time.
  • We shot the CUTEST commercial with our friends from Danino, and Olivia was such a natural that now she’s obsessed with pictures and videos, WHAT DID I DO! lol.
  • Tried this week McKiernan Luncheonette, god bless Joe Beef, Maison Public and it’s dreamy coffee that it’s now 4 minutes away from home.
  • I’ll leave this cute flower picture, to cheer you up as well.
  • Wearing in this pic: COS pink dress, Old satin Zara sandals, Madewell bandana, Heirloom Hat (my current obsession).
Love xoxoMac

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