
12 Years of Hey Maca: 12 Things I’m Grateful For..

“you are the magic, not the place, and you can bring it wherever you go”

I remember the moment I opened my blogger AND tumblr account 70 cat years ago – aka 12 human years, just thinking out loud “so Maca, how do we start this?” Many easy recipes posted later without any clue of what I was doing at the time, buying my first Canon DSLR in a quick road trip to NYC, was the beginning of a creative dream that became a lifestyle brand without even planning it at first.

The rest of the story, well, you know that one well.

Today I’m celebrating I hit “Publish” for the first time 12 years ago with 12 sweet things I’m grateful for, starting with…

Grateful for a Positive Mindset

It sounds a bit cliche but if you have to learn something from this internet-friend of yours, is this: positivity first. Didn’t get the dream contract you wanted? You burned the last toasts you had for breakfast? Feeling like everything is just “not right”? Take a deep breath and think of all you’ve accomplished so far, I promise you focusing on positivity is just a magnet that only brings back good things, I confirm.

Grateful for Each of You

In my darkest, saddest, happiest and unexpected moments, I’m thankful for the community of magical humans I’ve gathered over here on Hey Maca, because I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of you.

Grateful for Coffee & Tea

As a creative, I wouldn’t be able to think without a morning coffee or go to bed without my chamomile or peppermint tea, you?

Grateful for Opportunities

Nothing happens by chance, did you know? So grateful for every client, agency, brand, manager, I had the pleasure to meet and work with: merci, thank you, gracias.

Grateful for Learning Something Every Day

The most Maca-attitude motto: learn something new every day, and you’ll see life with joyful glasses. From a new podcast, build a stair case from scratch (WHAT), a new art medium, a new language, a technical or complex video editing skill, finish a book or master strength training because we want dreamy triceps, learning makes me feel SO alive and I’m SO grateful for it.

Grateful for my Mistakes

Because they taught me a solid lesson I had to experience even if it broke my heart many times.

Grateful for the Creative Freedom

I had to experience over these years as a company owner, freelancer, immigrant, mom, cat mom, plant mom, showing me I could face difficult, fun, quick, long, decisions because we’ve seen it ALL, right?

Grateful for Whatsapp Stickers, Memes & TikTok

Those that I kept sharing to ALL my friends, yes I am THAT friend – laughing is therapy.

Grateful for the Moments that Haven’t Happened Yet

Big believer that we are writing our stories every day, and mine is far from done. I have so many goals for 2024 I can’t wait to share with you, hopefully soon.

Grateful for my Gut

Looking back, I think I wouldn’t be writing this if it wasn’t for trusting my gut at every single step I’ve taken so far, following that inner voice of “yes, keep going, you got this do not be afraid”

Grateful for My Sweet Family and Friends

Besties, Fam, this one is for you. Los amo inmensamente, siempre pour vrai.

Just Grateful, for Everything

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.’

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