The Museum of Ice Cream: New York City Edition

Who else remember our adventures at the MOIC in Miami?
After our last visit to New York City last year to Color Factory with the kiddos, this time, I came back to the city with my girl Lucile to attend to the National Stationary Show (for the very first time) and hang together, explore our favourite spots, eat yummy things, in a solo ride, no kids around, for 48 hours.
Our first stop after NSS? The Museum of Ice Cream: NYC edition.
If you ask me, I’ve been loving the smorgasbord of food-themed experiential exhibits that have invaded the US the past years, and this one, with 13 sensory installation spread over three floors was no exception.

Everything starts with these epic pink stairs that lead you to different rooms where you can taste different ice creams, play, dance and have a blast with your friends.
Our favourite rooms of the exhibit? the spiral slide without any doubt (you’ll understand me when you’ll there), the pink ballroom where you can eat a cake pop, the very “Wes” pink subway car ride, and the milkshake lounge where you can dance and find the most beautiful rainbow hallway.
The rainbow sprinkle pool is the final room of this interactive experience featuring now an adults-only sprinkle jacuzzi, PLOP.

The dreamiest hallway? check!
It was the absolute dream to be here with my girls Lucile and Karina (who’s the most adorable ever).

The tickets are sold online in hourly blocks but, this time, you can stay inside each room for as long as you want (a very different story to the Miami installation). Some people may find the experience a bit expensive but in my very personal opinion, it’s what you can spend in a brunch with a cocktail.
The MOIC now has a cafe open to the public, a bigger boutique, and tons of ice cream options during your visit (we were seriously SO full by the end, I couldn’t even try all of them).

This room was the most beautiful one we’ve all seen. no words.

Maca being Maca, at her very own pink booth. Thank you, baby yoda. I know you did your magic here.

Our best tips:
Visit the experience on a weekday, and the first slot (9:30am). We were the first ones there and it was absolutely perfect! No line-ups, no crazy crowded rooms, it was all by ourselves.
Carry a water bottle, you’ll eat tons of sugar, so you’ll need it with you.
The museum is 100% kids friendly! There are many rooms designed for families (including swings and a mini-playground). If your kids have allergies like Nico, just inform at the moment of check-in, they have special care for allergies.
Wear comfy shoes, you’ll walk A LOT.

Opening Hours