We Finally Have a Pantone Wall at The Studio!

I remember those days back at design school, when I discovered what Pantone was, and ever since, it is one of the companies I have admired and loved the most. I mean, define color as an universal language? Is this even real life?
With a lockdown in full swing in Montreal where we can’t see our friends, our family for 28 days **tears**, I decided to do some small, easy projects at the studio to keep my mind focused on sweet things.
My first one? bring on my dream Pantone wall! – using a box of Pantone cards and adhesive hooks.
YAY! We finally have a Pantone wall at the studio!

Some other projects I have in mind for the studio next?
A DIY hack of my white IKEA dresser, finish our storage closet and maybe, maaaaybe some cute bathroom tiles?
I’ve been a bit slow fixing the studio the past few weeks, between the COVID stress and getting used to my anxiety medication, I feel I have been in my bed for many many days lately. Being able to be fully present here every day, at last, makes me truly happy.

Can you believe this corner? My office feels like the happiest one right now!
Our wall perpetual calendar *This will be your year* from our shop is available for pre-sale, run here

Insert rainbow tears of happiness here! OMG! (I’ve linked all the materials in my new Amazon shop, here)