Yay of the week: Two Christmas Trees, New Shop Arrivals & Chopped Bangs!

Christmas Tree Hunt

Welcome to another cute week closer to say buh bye, sayonara, chau 2020, aren’t you stoked about this?

 I haven’t counted how many more days left just yet (wait, googling now, brb), and OMG there’s only 43 days! This week brought many light, joy and exciting projects despite the craziness of going through a global pandemic. 

Two Christmas trees up (at home and studio), new shop arrivals, Merav (our sweet intern) is back, the reveal of our DIY projects for HGTV (piiiiiiinch me!), chopped bangs and much more happened this week!

Christmas Tree Details
Natural Christmas Tree
Natural Christmas tree market
Christmas market 2020

A lovely family tradition we’ve done for a few years now, is to pick up our natural Christmas tree for our home that will live outside in our little backyard, filled with all the magical snow. We visited Atwater market and the kiddos picked their favourite! 

Can’t wait to show you our decor as soon as we finish, in the meantime, check our tree here!

Bohemian Modern Living Room Decor

We had the most special visit this week at the studio, our Babasouk girlfriends, who brought all her treasures (I want to keep forever) and did a Christmas photoshoot that you’ll adore (Honestly, I want to shop everything)

Pottery Classes Essentials
Pottery Class Beginners
Home Depot
Home Depot

Pottery Tuesday was (of course) as always, one of my fave moment of each week. I learned how to do plates and jewelry dishes with scalloped details by hand (no wheel!), so so good. Haven’t even finished this class and I’m already registered in the next one, who am I, for real?

Lots of DIY action happened this week as well! Many visits to home depot, buying grownup accessories for our drill, wood, and shooting content for our upcoming DIY project for HGTV (THE sweetest idea, ever).

Colourful Xmas Tree Decor

Our little Xmas tree arrived at the studio! I ran to Anthropologie & bought my 2020 ornament (a cute tradition I’ve been doing since I moved to Montreal 10 years ago).

Colourful scrunchies
Collection brainstorming planning
Washi stamp tapes design
Birthday celebration

A baby boy, not so baby anymore, turned 8 this week! I’m so proud of you my sweet Nico, you became the sweetest, most candid, creative, and compassionate boy and mama and daddy love you, to the moon and back (if you ever read this when you grow up).

At last, we also celebrated new shop arrivalsnew washi stamp tapes and big scrunchies! and our wonderful Merav started organizing our inventory and packing all your sweet orders. 

How was your week? Can’t wait to hear from each of you!


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