World Mental Health Day – New Surprise on The Shop!

This week, I’m all about wellness and mental health awareness, especially with the world mental health day just passing by. Taking care of our mental health is all about knowing you, what you need to feel better, and the best techniques that are meant to ease the stress we accumulate every single day.
Today on the shop, we have a sweet surprise launching one very special new product: our mental health matters notepad doodle magical ideas.
One doodle a day, keeps the doctor away, how sweet is this?
Did you know that doodling is one of the best best therapies for anxiety? We learned many things the past year, and carrying this notepad in your bag will be essential, because mental health really matters.

My mental health journey started many years ago, (if you haven’t read it just yet, I shared it here) and designing and creating this product as part of the new collection was a very special moment. Art therapy is so soothing for the soul, for our mood and doodling is one of them.
Made in Montreal with 100% recycled paper, you’ll have 50 pages to create when you feel you need to take a space for you, show gratitude, or just take some time to create.
Embrace the good and the not-so-good feelings. Be kind in your inner dialogue. Take care of that dear friend.