Tiny Food: Mini Blinis with Salmon Tartare & Avocado

If you are a fan of pancakes, crepes, mini crepes, you’ll now join the club of blinis. This tiny food recipe of mini blinis with salmon tartare and avocado will charm you at a first sight (pinky promise they will) because they have been a classic of mine since 1992 (jokes on the 90s’, but for real a favourite for a long, long time!)
I have been a mini blini-obsessed since I first saw them at a party and I didn’t even know what they were, so right after googling “a cute mini pancake recipe” I started cooking them and usually serving them when I have friends over. What I love the most about it, is how versatile they are, where you can add practically any topping as you go and still look so fancy but yet cute (like awwwww adorable cuuuuute)
Did you know a blin is a traditional Russian and Ukrainian pancake?
They are made from wheat and served warmed with many garnishes (I picked the sweetest edible flowers at my farmers market) and avocados, because… (do I even need to explain avocados?)

When you can’t pick one colour, you eat the rainbow, right?
I made this tiny food recipe of mini blinis topped with a fresh smoked salmon tartare, farmers market avocados, edible flowers and a drizzle of maple syrup, just to give them a touch of sweet and salty (raise your hands if you’re also team girl gimme everything sweet and salty like me!).
Have you been following our tiny food recipes here?
Once a month (at least I try) to include a new idea for you (including tiny drinks!), helping your entertaining days look fabulous with colourful and fun recipes that are simple and trust me, so very yummy!

How stinking adorable are these babies?
I’m not sure if I should eat them or frame them, please help.
Tip: If you don’t have time to do the salmon tartare, get this one at Cool & Simple. It is the absolute best!

Run below, and get this super easy tiny food recipe, share it with your loved ones and let me know what was their first impression!

Mini Blinis with Salmon Tartare & Avocado
- 1 large egg
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- olive oil
- 1 cup milk (I used 2%, semi-skimmed)
- butter
- salt
- smoked salmon
- edible flowers
- 1 avocado
- maple syrup
- B L I N I SPlace the flour and add a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl. Make a hole in the center and add the egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mix all together. Whisk in the milk until you have a smooth batter.With a non-stick frying pan, add a bit of butter, once hot, add small portions of your blini mix and make them round. Cook them for one minute on each side and flip them over when you see them little bubbles on top. T O P P I N SUnpack your smoked salmon and add it on top of your blini, followed by avocados and maple syrup.