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OOTD From The Week: I Have This Thing With Pink

My latest obsession? A pink life. 
This pleated skirt was a total dream and even though I should be in a Fall mood, I couldn’t help having this thing with Pink all year long. 
Did I hear metallic overload?
Yes, please!
I have to be honest a bit and confess I feel so awkward shooting in front of people, it’s simply not in my nature and I think I’m kinda anti-photogenic. Also, I’ve been super insecure about my body simply because I don’t fit the standard.

I’m not small or size 2, my hips don’t lie and after having two kids, your body is a completely different story, waaaay too different.

I accept now after a long decade of diets, zero carbs and candies that this is the real me. I won’t be small but large, I won’t be perfect in a bathing suit but I will be as cheerful and happy as I can.


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  1. Maca, you are beautiful!♡ I felt the same way you did. Back in high school, I used to struggle getting over 100 lbs and people used to make fun of me for being so thin. After having Jude, my body has completely changed and it took me a while to feel good in my skin again. As we get older (kids or not) I find that we start to be more accepting of our bodies and who we are.♡ Loved how candid you are in this post and let's go shopping, K?

  2. Amiga bella! You are seriously beautiful inside and out. And even though our bodies never really go back to normal (and what exactly is normal?!) it doesn't matter because being able to have a child is the most amazing and miraculous thing we've even been through. ❤️

  3. You are absolutely gorgeous mama and have mad style. I love the pink skirt with the Adidas ??

  4. I feel so lucky to know you! Love following your journey through your beautiful pictures and creativity! Keep it up mama!

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