2020 Year in Review, Summer edition

How can I even start writing about 2020? Can someone please sit with me and hug me while I try to get some words out? Oh yes, true, we can’t hug anymore, because, ‘rona, right? It’s been quite a while since I don’t share a life update with you guys, not even on stories, because I’m sure the past 6 months have been quite challenging not only for this mama over here, but for everyone.
I often have my quarters planned, figured it out, with so many to-do lists, so many goals, and with an endless go-getter kindred spirit that, in a very strange way, isn’t present right now.
And as I shared a few days ago on my stories, my mental health has been (surprisingly, for the first time in my life), my to-do list. my goal. and where all my energy is, right now.
How can I plan, move forward, and set goals this year?

What I focused on
My people and on all the small things. all of them. hugging my babies way more than before, telling them 100 times a day how much I love them, facetiming all my friends, texting them telling them how important they are.
In accepting that I needed help. and seven weeks ago, I visited my family doctor and after a long, much needed meeting, started an anxiety treatment, that brought MANY side effects, but, helped me stay calmed, something I wasn’t experiencing for a long time ago, crazy, right? Also, the daily stoic (as you’ve seen on Instagram), has been my morning ritual.

and I’ll remember all the memories, this summer, all
when I started selling my clothes and saw many smiles – how our vacations now became road trips and we don’t even know what an airport is – uber eats became my BFF – many nights looking at the ceiling, trying to sleep – Oli starting ballet classes – many tiny food recipes – a new studio and a new business plan for it – a new heymaca shop collection – my obsession with dresses and jumpsuits with my white converse – having set up our patio at home, finally – mangu de platanos – many sunny days – a dream to build our second floor at home – boat rides with Nico & Oli – a new laundry room era filled with tiles – that feeling of happiness as soon as I started shooting stop motion again – pinterest nights – organization days thanks to the home edit show – puzzles with Oli – masks, hand sanitizer on repeat – missing my friends and family that I don’t get to see as often as before – My sudden love for hiking – A summer I don’t want it to leave behind, because, winter – breakfasts with Esteban almost every day – and finally, that much needed feeling of slowing down and not to work on weekends.
Love you, lots.