4 tips to help you survive a healthy cold & flu season!

Just before Christmas, I woke up next to a baby girl who was so weak, with 39 degrees and that only wanted to be cuddled. It’s no surprise that the cold & flu season is here, with us.
I have always wondered why kids are such cold magnets during this time of the year (especially if they are under 4, like Oli) catching so many colds from daycare.
I’ve been reading a lot many ways how we can keep them away from getting sick, with home remedies that can protect their little immune system.
In partnership Braun thermometers and Vicks humidifiers on-hand, I’ll show you 4 tips to help you survive a healthy cold & flu season!

Bundle up, sweet little ones!
Bundling up my little ones during winter time before we go out is always our priority (and I know how tricky it is with kids, because they just won’t keep their mittens or hats on). Dressing them in layers has helped us a lot when we are strolling around and really great for kids, preventing them from colds all season! Oli is using this winter coat and Nico this one over here.
have the best by your side: a humidifier
Every winter, we catch colds that usually lead to dry throats, cough and flaky skin, are you with me? One thing that I learned when we had Nico and Oli, is that humidity plays such an important role, preventing many viruses, dry skin, nosebleeds and sore throats.
We’ve been big fans of Vicks® FilterFree Cool Mist Humidifier, because, in a nutshell, they help restore moisture to our rooms and soothing the congestion of our little ones. Did you know that keeping indoor air at a level of 40 to 60% reduces the survival of flu viruses in the air? we discovered the Vicks Pediatric VapoPads, with soothing lavender and rosemary scented lasting up to 8 hours per pad.
There’s nothing better than going to be to a fresh scent of lavender, right?

hand washing routine, every single day!
Since they both started daycare, the hand wash routine was one of the first things I saw they learned (proud mama over here). it seems so obvious and maybe we don’t see the importance of washing our hands before, after meals and during our bathroom visits, and it is one of the most important hygiene routines you can start with your little ones.
To make things a bit more fun, I always buy foaming soaps, we play with the bubbles and show them how scrubbing the germs away is a cute routine we have together!
Hand sanitizers are also everywhere at home (I recently got this one in the states and I’m obsessed), and are so perfect when we are on the go during the weekends!

Keep them hydrated!
You’ll see a lot of reminders of cold and flu season are everywhere in the city, flu shots are offered at the doctor’s offices, pharmacies, and even though we can’t protect our kids from all germs, we can do many things to prevent these colds and flus. Drinking enough water during the day will help our bodies circulate blood more easily, allowing cells better fight off viruses!
Also, drinking enough fluids will help boost our immune system function, fighting off illness. I always carry our water bottles everywhere we go! When the kids have fever (I know it’s scary, trust me), hydration and the right tools play a key role, like our Braun ThermoScan®7 Thermometer we’ve been using for years now.
Did you know your entire family could use the Braun ThermoScan®7 Thermometer (yes, including the tiny little ear canal of a newborn)? With Braun’s Age Precision® Technology, the ThermoScan® 7 is considered to be the benchmark for accurate measurements. The Age Precision® Technology helps parents better interpret the temperature reading with a reading that takes your child’s age into account – for example, an elevated temperature in a toddler may be a high fever in a newborn. Before taking their temperature, input your child’s age into the thermometer by pressing one of the three buttons.
Equipped with a built-in night light, a memory tracking the last temperature you took (especially made for me that I keep forgetting all the time) and disposable probe covers that will help prevent spreading of germs around your home. Perfect, right?