
Happiest Birthday to you and to me!

Baby Girl Birthday Ideas
Birthday Celebration ideas

It’s our party, and we cry if we want to! Happiest birthday to you and to me! My little princess, Oli! 

I can’t believe you are already 4 today, officially! (pinch me, please) and that I’ll be 37 tomorrow (double pinch me, again please).  She really changed my life. I’ve experienced many, many happy moments (the funniest ones), and as well some hard ones when I was pregnant, diagnosed with gestational diabetes and a high-risk case.

You were and are SO worth it. 

Hey Maca Home: How to Style a Colourful Decor

This year, we kept all things simple and relaxed at home (especially because I didn’t have time to plan something in less than 4 days after coming back from Martinique.  I got her a cute Oreo cheesecake, balloons and a colourful garland (everything super low-key). 

I felt we needed a simple, nothing pinterest-planned party (the total opposite of Nico’s birthday), and just have our friends over, all the sweets and micheladas for the grown-ups! 

To be fair, she’s so tiny, she won’t remember my hyper-planned-birthday-productions, so I’m saving all my energy for birthday number five in 2021.

Best Capricorn Gift Ideas

I got myself this cute Capricorn earring set from Anthropologie and I got Oli a sweet mini camera! A real one, made for kids, of course! 

Living Room Decor Ideas

                                                Our outfit details


Sweatshirt – Mystique Feminin from Maison Corazon (currently OBSESSED with them)

Maxi gingham skirt – Who What Wear for Target (past collection)

Floral shoes – Jcrew (last spring summer collection) 


Cinderella dress – from our last adventures to Disney! 

Scarf – Mango 

                            Some of my favourite J Crew flats 

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