Venezuelan Migrant Crisis: 3 Ways to Help

I grew up in a beautiful city, Maracaibo, surrounded by palm trees, summer all year long, an incredible gastronomic scene, the caribbean breeze, and part of a country that welcomed so many immigrants that escaped wars and crisis that helped us found what we know today of: Venezuela.
The most industrialized, advanced, highly educated country of Latin America decades ago, is today in the largest humanitarian crisis of our continent with more than 5.6 million Venezuelans that have left the country to seek refuge, some walking over 3,500 km across Latin America.
Yesterday, I had the honor to speak about my home country with the honorable Minister of International Development, Karina Gould, to explain as a Venezuelan immigrant our situation, what can do to help and more importantly, bring awareness in Canada days before the next International Donors’ Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants on June 17, 2021 in collaboration with the co-leads of the Regional Platform (R4V), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Leading up to the conference, Canada and international partners are undertaking various actions to raise awareness about the crisis and here are 3 ways how YOU can help Venezuela, today.

Inform yourself about what’s really happening, with our IG Live
We had a candid conversation with the Minister yesterday, where we explained the crisis, why people are escaping Venezuela to different countries in Latin America and how was Venezuela before the biggest humanitarian crisis of our hemisphere. Watch the Instagram live we hosted here and start talking about it with your immediate family, your friends.
Donate funds and help refuges around the globe
5.6 million of displaced Venezuelans was the latest official number shared by the United Nations, and this number keeps growing as 700 to 900 Venezuelans are currently crossing just the Colombian border on a daily basis, looking for better opportunities. You can donate today to help millions through the official UNHCR website here (monthly and one-time donations). Our Hey Maca shop is also donating 1% of all our sales to Alimenta La Solidaridad, a splendid ONG in Caracas that secures food and essential services to many communities.
Use social media for good #together4venezuelans
Can you walk 44.3km? That’s 1% of a Venezuelan’s journey from Caracas to Lima. How about 11km? That’s 1% of the trek from Barquisimeto to Bogotá. Starting is simple: get outside and go for a walk in your own community, respecting local public health guidelines,
Grab some headphones and follow the Spotify playlist as you walk. The Canadian government put together a collection of testimonies from Venezuelan refugees and migrants and music from the region to accompany you.
Share a photo, a video or a few words about your walk. Post it on your favourite social platform with the hashtag #Together4Venezuelans and encourage others to get involved.