The February Edit

I’m always excited when a new edit is up over here on my website, it feels like setting the stage of every single month. February is the official love month (and I’m here for it).
It has been a whirlwind of excitement, growth and new beginnings for me as well, introducing the new Hey Maca creative workshops (FINALLY). I’m filled with enormous gratitude for all the experiences the universe has brought this month, and here’s to embracing new adventures, cheering traditions and continuing this journey together.
Scroll down to read all-the-hey-maca-adventures!

sunday brunches are back baby!
one of the sweetest parts of my weekend has been sharing moments with Oli every Sunday with her new gymnastic classes and a girly brunch right after that. If you’ve been a long time reader, you know my passion for discovering new brunch spots since I moved to Montreal, and that tradition is officially back!
My latest number one favourite? Barley. With a new menu that stole my heart, this cute place in St-Henri has been around for a few, and I cannot recommend you enough to try their Assiette Halloumi, any coffee, and cereal bowls if you bring your little ones.
If you want to follow our weekend adventures, make sure you follow me on Instagram, deal?

Wellness first in 2024.
February has been a BIG month of prioritizing wellness for me, embracing a slower pace, i’ve incorporated nightly meditation into my routine (thanks Apple + fitness, I am truly your fan), and proud to remain sober for 9 months now (crazy).
Exploring new activities like climbing, yoga at home, my walking pad + standing desk setup at home and cooking way more at home has become a hub of creativity, happiness and sense of calm for an anxious human like myself.
Self-high five, girlie!

Hey Maca Creative workshops launch!
Lastly, I’m so thrilled to announce I finally did it, launching a series of creative workshops at the Hey Maca studio, a dream in the making for so many years (before pandemic even hit us), starting with the Jesmonite atelier (with a first date SOLD OUT).
I’m so beyond thankful to see all the excitement, feedback, and comments about this new era, can’t thank each enough for always having my back, and everyone who joined.
Fear not if you missed out the first one, I’ll be announcing on my newsletter the launch of the new themes, coming your way very soon.