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It’s a Small World, Filled with Pandas

Since Nico & Oli’s first trip to Disneyland this summer, these little cuties have been obsessed with animals, rides and movies, hooray!I feel this year has flown by so quickly, I can’t even understand how is Autumn already. When cold temps arrive home, we always opt to do a mix of indoor and outdoor activities with the kiddos, and the Montreal Science Centre has been a go-to destination for a few years now (we’re proud annual members, self-high fives!) so I couldn’t wait to go back and spend more time at the museum already.Last weekend, we spent our Saturday morning with the lovely TELUS team, proud partners of the Montreal Science Centre since 2005. On our agenda, the cutest item: PANDAS!Yes, you read that right, pandas. And a lot of baby pandas.
We started our cute day with Pandas 3D, the unbearably cute documentary that shows the adorable journey of one special panda, she finds herself released in the wild. We saw our new friend Chen Chen rolling, playing with sticks, drinking from the smallest bottle and eating all the bamboo she could, HOW CUTE, and Nico and Oli learned that only 2,000 giant pandas exist in the wild, and why we need to be more aware of what’s happening in our world.Only 40 minutes after, their curiosity was in full swing and Nico kept asking ALL the questions about pandas, China, and the beautiful mountains we saw in 3D, obviously!After some popcorn, candies and juices overloads, we accepted the challenge of finding our very own panda, which was hiding in the Old Port. We were determined to find our Chen Chen, right here at home!
One helpful tip I didn’t know before, which proved very useful as we roamed through the Old Port, is TELUS free wifi in the area, that helped us find our hide-and-seek loving panda.  I’m sure from now on, you’ll share the hotspots all over Vieux Port, right?We chased Chen Chen in four different spots (you had to see Nico’s reaction every time he couldn’t find her) until the precious moment happened:WE HUGGED OUR OWN PANDA! and yes, we took her home with us. 
Right here, my mama heart. 
They also got Pandas costumes, and loved every second of it, like I did. 

Thankful to partner with companies like TELUS, that support fun family activities in our city, and for ours, the art, science, museums, design, are all a huge part of how we want to raise our kids. We want them always immersed in experiences that will help them be prepared for the future and be in awe of this great world we live in!Because at the end of the day, their future, is ours as well. 
Our lovely group of happy kiddos, hugging their pandas!
Ready to head to this IMAX experience with your little ones?Check the daily schedule here
Endless thanks to TELUS for sponsoring this post and hosting the loveliest morning.All opinions expressed in this post are 100% ours. 

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