#30Facts About Me You Didn’t Know (And They’re Fuuuun!)

Facts about me you didn't know

Salut, hello, hola 👋 I thought it could be SO fun to start this week with #30facts you maybe didn’t know about me, that I shared earlier on Instagram!

1. I’m proudly Venezuelan, de Maracaibo (maracuchiiiiiiisima obvio) moved to Canada 10 years ago

2. I speak 3 languages

3. I used to have & love short hair, very short (my emo era), while playing a ton of snake with my nokia (I thought I was the coolest)

4. I finished a bachelor in PR & Marketing, a DEC in Marketing-sales & Interior design (geek Maca). I was famous for falling everywhere! Stairs, hallways, desks, and my friends got used to it after the 3rd time when I broke a pair of shoes, forever clumsy – LOL.

5. I don’t understand the imperial system, gimme all the meters and kilograms, please!

6. I don’t eat seafood (just calamari and shrimp from time to time) 

7. I’m obsessed with a good branding & amazing packaging 

8. I’m a self-taught girl, I learned photography all by myself (and I still shoot everything you see here)

9. My dad is a carpenter & I grew up surrounded by construction, maybe this is why design is my passion

10. I love the gas smell. I know, weird?

11. I can’t have a full unread email inbox (I caaaaaan’t)

12. Capricorn soul who LOVES excel sheets (guilty!)

13. I lived in Miami after I graduated

14. I can eat savory over sweets every day, and I can drink very spicy drinks like caesars and micheladas

15. I suffer from anxiety & I’m taking meds to help my mental health. I get VERY attached to people and it is very hard for me to let people go from my life since I was little

16. I’m a visual person, I can spend hours on Pinterest vs reading a book (zero concentration to finish a book)

17. I used to craft so manyyy things since I was a teen (alll the **pucas**, making my own paper, putting up an entire wall with magazine pages and decorating every single school billboard)

18. My first CD was Madonna’s bedtime stories (proud)

19. I didn’t want a 15 años dress, I wore my converse (my poor mama without her quinceañera haha) and my boyfriend of that era played a live show for me, a rock show (ha!), again, poor mama!


30 facts about me

20. When I moved to Montreal, I tried to study commercialisation de la mode at L’UQAM (lasted one semester, couldn’t understand french) not-a-word.

21. I can eat olives everyday while I have solid convos just by sending GIFs or whatsapp stickers

22. Sadly, I suffer from migraines

23. My kids Nico & Oli are being raised in Spanish, eating arepas, pabellón y papelón, learning all about Venezuela, and how special our country is

24. My only wish (and dream) is to see a Venezuela libre, now

25. I used to hate pink in the 90s

26. I was the outsider in school, who liked weird and artsy things, and I was into techy things the day I got my first dial-up internet connection. I helped all my friends open an ICQ account, myspace, HI5 and all the apps you can imagine, ha!

27. My memory is seriously effed, I did many agendas, like Pascualinas, to remember things. Today, I have a to-do list I update every week, because seriosly, I can’t remember what I did yesterday.

28. I used to wear ALL the braces you can imagine during school

29. Oli, my 4 year old, is my life twin (and i’m loving it)

30. I’m a PRO multitasker, but for real ARE YOU STILL HERE reading this?👋

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