Life Update: It’s Summer Time!

It’s been aaaa while since we don’t chat over here about life, right?
Summer arrived (and so did heat waves back to back) that set us into a real vacation mode. I had this post in my to-do list for the past weeks (hello? procrastination queen?) and I’m going to be totally honest with you today: I’ve been feeling a little meh and all over the place this season.
Since we lost our dear friend Meli a month and a half ago, our life turned upside down (literally) and we are just trying so damn hard to go back to a somewhat normal life here. I’ve been dedicating my days to my little ones, to get some sleep (what’s sleep? anyone?), to connect with myself, family, friends and set my goals for this upcoming Fall, to get ready for school year (they are both starting tomorrow, tears!!) and to be in peace a bit.
So If you’re with me, slowing down right now, I feel you, sister. The world can wait, believe it or not. I needed to thank each of you for being here with me, for your eternal support, for your kind words, for your virtual hugs and for everything. It helps me keep going every single day.
We will be road tripping this weekend to a wonderful local spot in Quebec we’ve never been before and I can’t wait to share everything with you soon!. So in the meantime, enjoy the last days of summer and all its beauty (yes, despite the c r a a z y heat, deal?)
Love you all!