Yay Things of The Week: It’s Been a While Edition

It’s beeeeeen a while since our last life update, I think this only means I haven’t stopped for a hot second lately, eh? And for real, I feel the past weeks have been such a rollercoaster in both my personal and professional life with many yay and nay things. Oli was sick with a cold for at least a week at a point we ran to get all tested just to be sure she was negative before going back to daycare.
It’s been a month since I started therapy and I can’t be more thankful of finally being brave enough to do it (for real), a month since we have a bit more of sunshine and less cold days (OMG Spring, I see youuuuu), and many days with lots of motivation shooting cute DIY ideas for you at the studio and just taking care of myself.
Also, did I tell I’ve read 4 books the past 4 weeks? I can’t even remember the last time I did this, for real.

Manyyyy cute outfits happened the past weeks, and this pink corner made me SO HAPPY!

I started a nerikomi course with the SUPER talented local ceramist, lloma and a colour clay online with a teacher from California, I can’t wait to get my hands on all the stains I recently got and make my first batch of coloured clay!

Many photos and videos happened one day at the dreamy (let me repeat this: DREAMY) home of my adorable friend Tinka, we can’t wait to share with you what we have prepared, soooon!

Always, always look up! There’s beauty everywhere.

Postcards from the days when this sick little one only wanted to stay in bed with mama, watching all the paw patrol episodes together *snifs, snifs*

The HeyMaca shop is still my number one baby and I’ve been loving hand packing every single order for you guys.
Love YOU all.

Visited the new Pista Cafe a few days ago and I teared a bit. I can’t believe it’s been already a year in lockdown, and I can’t even explain you how much I miss going out, sitting in corners like this one, and meeting all my friends.

I also learned how to fill a Kiln, I bisqued and glazed many new pieces, learned from some mistakes, and I’ve been loving my first 6 months making porcelain.

NICO IS THIS YOU? WHAT? omg! Short-hair-Nicoooooooo! This also happened.

Hi, babies of mine. I love you all.