Monday Motivation: Here are my 8 productivity tips for you!

Shine bright, like a diamond, Monday!
I’m sure you’ve read a zillion articles, posts, tips on how to start your week like a boss, how to be productive (and be proud about it), and how to survive in this freelance world. No one tells you how hard it is and how much time you’ll spend actually “running” a business.
Are you with me?
A few months back, I wrote a super long and dense freelance diary, a few months have passed and today, I want to share with you my Monday ritual and how I keep my productivity, organization and goals with all the things we do at HeyMaca.

I’m aware it’s impossible to do it ALL, but these tips will help you set up your weekly goals and get-them-done. Working in marketing taught me one thing: your time is golden.
So, let’s, shall we?

Track your progress:
Hello, my name is Maca and I’m obsessed with Google drive and folders! It makes my heart VERY happy having a few drive documents organizing:
– year-to-year campaigns: including client info, collab theme, budget, deadlines and every important detail.
– Our monthly expenses: breaking this down by personal and studio expenses where I track what I need to cover on am monthly basis.
– Quickbooks: I’m suuuuuuuure numbers aren’t your favourite task, BUT using the right tool, you will increase your productivity by 10000%. For all things numbers, I use Quickbooks – it changed the way we used to bill manually on Paypal (SO retro). With Quickbooks, I bill, track all my bookkeeping (linked to my bank accounts, credit cards) and now, I’ll be sending reports to our accountant. God bless this magic.
– Telus Drive+: If you are a freelancer AND you drive, you need to keep track of all those Kms you use for business. stop those old days tracking everything manually, okay? Since I discovered Telus drive+ I not only track my trips, but I can also have wifi in my car: heeeeello future!
– Pinterest & Tailwind: my second most used social media tool and since a month ago, I’ve seen how amazing Tailwind is, helping my audience to grow to almost 100k (you guys I had zero traffic here!) You won’t regret paying this service, where you can schedule your pins.
– Go Moodboard: Our essential (and free) tool we use to share all our ideas to our clients. You can create free moodboards, uploading any image, and exporting them into a single link, like this example here.
– GoDaddy: I’ve been a GoDaddy fan for a while now and I use them for pretty-much-everything. My domain and email are both hosted with this amazing company and they’re GOALS.
– Asana: Since we started to create a few branded content opportunities & our shop, Asana came to the rescue! This tool helped us to set up goals, delegate who’s in charge and have a pretty to-do list in one app.

Always remember, take a deep breath, a good coffee (or tea if you prefer), small breaks during your day and set up goals that will help you succeed.
BE a dreamer and WORK hard.
love you,