Life Lately in This Corner

A week has passed since my last blog post and I needed this tiny break from work, from the blog, from pitching ideas, from creating, and life in general. Something I rarely do or rarely share over here.
We visited Tremblant for a few days to change the scenery and do something different, I cooked a lot at home, ordered less takeout, got online a few dreamy dresses, loved every minute of our new Spring weather, and gave Nico and Oli the biggest surprise of their little lives: Moshi!
Since we lost our 18 year old cat a few years ago, the kiddos have been asking for a pet every-single-day, so we waited a few months until we could find a perfect cute kitty for them.

They had NO clue about him until the day we came back from Tremblant, that we picked him up and brought it to the car. Oli’s reaction and happy face is that kind of magical memory you want to remember forever.

Oli, strike a pose! (for dayyyyyyyyyyys)

Our little cabin in the middle of the parc nationale du Mont-Tremblant, one that we love to visit every season!

And ended my week here, in the most peaceful studio corner.
Hope you had a lovely, healthy and zen week!