Elevate Any Boring Candle With This Cute DIY Idea!

Are you tired of seeing your old candles over and over?
With this super fun and easy candle makeover DIY idea you can elevate any boring candle into a colourful masterpiece – and just upcycling materials you already have at home, is this a dream?
You don’t require any crafting experience, complicated tools or a lot of budget, so let’s do this!

Materials required:
- Any old candles you have at home
- Paper napkins
- Scissors
- Mod Podge in matte finish
- Brush

Step one: set the candle & the paper napkin
Firstly, remove any dust from your candles with a dry, clean cloth. Now, pick your favourite napkin and separate the sheets (if they have any) – you’ll just use the top layer to decorate.

Step two: decorate your candles
I decided to cut a few flowers from my napkin design using my scissors, but you could use the entire napkin as well. Now, the fun – let’s apply a thin layer of Mod Podge directly to your candle and gently lay the napkin design making sure the ends are completely glued. You can brush an extra layer of Mod Podge on top to seal it.
Let it dry well for at least 15 minutes and you’ll be ready to light your new beautiful candles, yay!