Hey Maca Turns 10 & Here are 10 Big Life Lessons as a Creative Entrepreneur!

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”
What started with this fun post and a creative outlet for friends and family 10 years ago, became my full-time work, my 3rd baby (after Nico and Oli) and a reflection of what I wanted to bring to the world, pure joy – isn’t this wild?
Without even planning it at first, (I was working full time in digital marketing, planning to have my first baby, bought our first condo in the city) I would have never have guessed a few years later, I would be making an actual living creating beautiful things, chasing happy places that inspired me, and partnering with so many incredible brands and people.
This is one of my biggest milestones since I move to Canada, and I want to celebrate with you showing you my 10 big life lessons along the way.

I learned that creativity only means one thing – DOING. Action is the only way I moved forward, I created, learned and yes, failed. The only way you can achieve something, is by changing your creative process and by doing – note that.
I swear this was the hardest one. Many times I saw endless cul-de-sac in my career, where I just wanted to turn back and escape, but an inner voice told me to keep going, despite things don’t always go the way you planned. There will be many roadblocks, changes, and the key to continue is to know these changes will only help you grow.
Slow is better sometimes
Often times, I wanted everything now, immediate results, isn’t it ready already? (I’m sure I’m not the only one), but i learned that big ideas take time, and eventually slow pays off, big time. Small steps, every day, built me and what I am 10 years later.
Open to new
As a new entrepreneur in a new country I had to learn SO many things, and creating solid processes were key to grow my business. I created goals for my social media accounts, blog, shop and studio and wrote them down committing myself to make them happen, like buying a first “pro” camera and learn all about photography, videography, stop motion animation, editing, and more.
Life is always evolving and working in digital showed me I could adjust to change so easily, understanding the business, the industry, what was achievable, what was trending, and what to do next.
Do it YOurself
I’m your DIY gal, remember? not only creating cute and trendy projects but also keeping a money-saving-DIY attitude since I started. I rolled up my sleeves and learned the freelance life is just ups and downs so I had to be resourceful and creative to make it.

The process, the timing, my gut, my creative direction, my goals as a business owner, the people I wanted to be surrounded with, the projects and clients I picked, just trust.
team work
Looking back, I couldn’t have done many things I did without the help of many special humans that I had the luck to meet, and I’ll be forever thankful we crossed paths and that I wasn’t afraid to ask for help.
Yes, coffee. Endless thanks for having daily caffeine boosts to achieve so many long hours, crazy weekend hours, endless editing nights and moodboarding days I did with you. You are truly loved.
Make it for fun first
I know money should be the number one goal when we talk about business and in a true Hey Maca fashion, what it started as a fun project, it is still the same one 10 years later. I have to truly love something to stay committed, to invest energy learning, and if money comes along, HEY! let’s do it!
Be the solution, always
To finish, the best lesson I can give you is always to be the solution, always. Creative entrepreneurship will require a ton of creative problem solving, to pivot (yes, as Ross), and to work-around on things you might never have expected. Bumps are not in the road, they are THE road.

To celebrate my 10th anniversary, I decided to join YouTube and open my new channel (yes, even if I said no many times!) Follow my adventures there, soon!
Endless thanks, merci, gracias for all the support, love, hugs during the past years.
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