The May Edit

Oh hi, a new edit is here and I can’t even understand how we are heading mid-year already entering May, are you with me?
Hey Maca will be turning 12 years soon, something that brings me so much gratitude, joy and memories how this dream project started when I was pregnant with my first baby boy, Nico.
In this edit, I’d love to unplug a bit from the hustle I live everyday as a solo-preneur, mama of 2 kiddos, 2 cats, daughter, wife, friend, bestie, lover, sister, and all the things that define me and just focus on the simplest moments that have filled my life these past 12 years.

I love to wake up in the mornings and see pink skies
I love having solo brunch dates where I see strangers smiling
I love wearing colours and seeing them around me
I love the smell of lilacs, peaches and peonies
I love unexpected surprises and details in my mailbox
I love a nap in the middle of the day
I love trusting the universe is sending me signs
I love seeing the number 3 everywhere I go
I love being an eternal romantic that believes in destiny and soulmates
I love cooking arepas, guacamole, omelettes, salad dressings and lemonades

I love seeing my small city garden bloom in Spring
I love listening to my favoruite song while driving my car
I love hugs from the people I love
I love learning new things every single day
I love handwritten letters
I love feeling the warmth of the sun on my cheeks
I love quiet, mindful walks alone in the middle of the day
I love to smell coffee when I wake up
I love warm towels and warm sheets
I love sincere people around me

I love the smell of wood because it reminds me of my childhood
I love positive people surrounding me
I love airports and train rides
I love making moodboards and pinterest boards
I love a soup no matter the time of the year
I love the smell of the rain and seeing rainbows
I love holding hands with my little ones
I love cat purrs and meows
I love to cry laughing
I daydream a lot, and what I thought it was impossible to achieve 12 years ago from a business standpoint , I can say to myself today, you did well, Maca.
Now, focus on you and nourish your heart next.