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A Visual Diary: Our Sugar Shack Adventure

Maple season: all the sugar is here!and as soon as Oli heard this, she ran to the door, got her jacket, boots and her little smile ready for Sugar Shack, her very own first experience.I’m truly loving capturing our family moments lately and thinking what is that our family would love to do, and build sweet memories over the years to come. I remember clearly all my road trips when I was little, the smell of the mountains, the crispy empanadas and fresh cheese we had on the road, the views, the beaches, and how much I loved discovering my country with my family. All I hope as a parent now, is to do the same thing with  Nico and Oli.and maybe document that along the way here on visual diaries (god bless the internet), because let’s be real, I can’t even remember how many cups of coffee I had yesterday.What I’m sure about, is that we’ll be a traveling family, there’s nothing else that makes us happier than discovering new corners, new food, and a new passion to spark their curiosity, as a family of four.aaaanyway, back to sugar shack! here are a few cute pictures of Oli’s happiness…
^^ gimme all the fresh maple syrup, Canada ^^

^^ we drove 45 minutes from home to eat allll the comfort food: beans, sausage, omelette, pork rinds, pea soup, crepes, ham, and alll the maple ^^
^^ Exhibit A, so yummy! We visited Sucrerie de la Montagne (highly recommended with kids). They have different prices (weekends, weekdays) and everything is included, so you pretty much will eat a LOT of food. ^^
^^ these puffy crepes are WAY too good, so say hello carbs! ^^

^^ After all the food, they ran, explored around, took a train ride and loved every minute of it ^^
^^ she is my everything.^^

What’s your favourite family tradition?xoxo

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