Our family vacations to Punta Cana!

I remember that night, cooking with our kiddos (and praying not to burn everything), replying back to my emails, keeping track of my social media accounts and creating new sales strategies for the shop when I realized: WOW I NEED A FAMILY VACATION, a family vacation to Punta Cana, said this mama out loud.
This year, has been quite a year for us. A non-stop, hella challenging but incredibly rewarding one, and this time around, I’m including my husband, because sometimes I don’t talk much here what he does, why he’s also traveling so often, and how’s our day to day life with the kids.
Anyyyyyywho, back to this long vacation story, shall we? After that crazy night that made me realize I needed to stop and escape, did I tell you we had snow outside? snow in early November? YES, no kidding here! I’m SO sure this was the trigger that made me sit and book one week to heaven.
In all honesty, this was all we needed. I only wanted to feel the ocean breeze, have room service in the middle of the night, walk barefoot with our kids around the hotel and just eat all the food that reminds me of home.

… little did I know I was landing to Pinterest and tile heaven! HOLY AMAZINGNESS!
We booked an all inclusive hotel in Punta Cana where the kids could have ALL the fun with endless pool options (I miss you, waterpark), where they could just splash along the beach, and i could finally take some time to soak up all the sun (and maybe have a michelada after another).
… and yes, the hotel was beyond, BEYOND I had in mind ( I think by day 3, I teared a bit, or I dreamed I designed the whole place?) It was too epic to be true.
(thanks Air Transat friends, for gifting us our Option Plus upgrade in economy class)

I LOVE all inclusive weeks. Since little, my parents took us every summer (as the rest of most of the Venezuelan people I know) to Aruba. The best memories I have growing up are from those trips. The soft pillows I had in my hotel room, the smell of my mom’s coffee bright early in the morning (that I used to hate, oh girl, you knew nothing back then!), the new friends I made, the deep blue sea and the white sand I was so lucky to see.
I want to build the same memories for my little ones. I want them to be excited once a year of these trips where we don’t worry about anything, just to unplug and be real happy (while I was editing these pictures, Oli saw them and asked if we could come back to this dreamy house, because she loved it).
You were good to me, Punta Cana.

A rare photo of me, no make up, with my beachy hair, my messy outfit, but with the biggest smile, because I was really happy.

A rare photo of her, just chilling by the pool with her virgin frozen daiquiri, because she was really happy.

Remember our trip to Jamaica? We did the exact same moment by the pool and oh my heart, I can’t believe how big Oli is, my heart just can’t.
Also, kuddos to these cuties for having breakfast like champions and for letting this mama explore all the food options we had for seven magic days.
This was kinda the smartest idea for our family vacations to Punta Cana, right?

Excuse me world, I live here now (a girl can dream)

Live merengue on a monday morning, with a drink in hand? These were my monday blues!

This was the cutest terrace I ever did see.

followed by the cutest twining in banana bathing suits I also ever did see, aw!

The hotel baby beach (still crying I didn’t stay an extra week in here)

All-the-tiles. Please don’t judge this obsession of mine.

We had so many restaurants to pick every night (Italian, Japanese, Steakhouse, Mexican, Buffet and this American spot). I have absolutely zero regrets of all the wings, empanadas and omelettes I devoured. I may book this hotel just to go back to all of them.
Also, this is the real us (and me behind the lens, as always)