
Organize All Your Necklaces With This Cute DIY Idea!

Necklace Organizer DIY with rattan

One of my biggest organization challenges has been my necklace situation for the longest time now. Is it just me or are you with me on this? My morning ritual of finding my necklaces followed by untangling them was the most-hated part of my incredibly cute outfit marathons. 

I needed something easy to make, fun, modern and very Maca to fix this problem, and who do you think enters to the chat? Rattan, you bet! I bought a lot of cane webbing long time ago so excuse this mama for the amount of DIY ideas around it lately. (sorry bur seriously not even sorry about it).

Let’s jump into this super easy DIY idea, shall we?

Necklace organizer DIY idea in just a few steos
Easy necklace DIY idea to organize your accessories

materials required

– Rattan (cane webbing) 

– Wooden embroidery hoops

– Scissors

– Crazy glue (you can also use hot glue or a strong clear glue) 

– T-pins 

– Marker

Rattan for a necklace organizer
Rattan for easy DIY projects

Step one

Let’s start by grabbing our embroidery hoop and remove the outer hoop. We will use the inner ring as the base of our organizer. Grab a marker and draw the circumference a few inches larger than the hoop.

step two

Using your scissors, cut the cane webbing carefully (I had already treated the cane soaking it for 20 minutes in hot water and air drying it).

Necklace organizer in just a few steps

Step three

Using your preferred glue, apply it directly on the ring and place your pre-cut cane circle on top. Flip the hoop over and apply pressure for a few minutes until it is completely attached. Remove and cut any cane excess with the scissors. 

Step four

Grab a few T-pins and bend them (they will form a hook), apply a bit of glue in the back and voila! all your necklaces will live happily ever after!

Necklace Organizer DIY
Here's the easiest necklace DIY organizer you need to make next
Necklace DIY organizer in a few steps

Isn’t it super cute and modern? 

If you need to organize your earrings with a similar style, check this DIY project as well. 





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