
How DIY Sparks My Creative Growth

Have you ever picked up a paintbrush, a roll of tape, or even some scraps of wood and thought, Can I actually make something out of this? 

For me, the love for creating started way back in elementary school, where I’d spend hours learning how to make my own paper and experimenting with mixing acrylic paints. Anything that involved using my hands was my playground, my own DIY playground.

By the time I was in interior design school, you bet my hands were filled with glue and cardboard, perfecting the art of making maquettes for my design classes. Oh, and did I mention being there 24/7 while my dad build our house in Venezuela? Those days were remind me of all the sawdust, and how big ideas were never impossible, teaching me the value of bringing ideas to life, one DIY at a time.

Fast forward a few years, and my DIY adventures grew into something wonderful: I started creating for Hey Maca, for HGTV Canada (now Home Network), and for many different brand clients. From transforming blank walls into stunning statement pieces to hosting Paint School for two seasons, where I guided new homeowners through the magic of color, I’ve seen how DIY projects can be so much more than just “making or upcycling stuff.”

DIY is about throwing caution (for real) outside and experimenting, very boldly. It’s about turning sticky moments – like the many times I’ve glued my fingers with crazy glue about 10,000 times into opportunities to adapt and grow. It’s finding beauty in resourcefulness, in turning what you already have into something fresh, meaningful, and uniquely you.

But how exactly DIY actually sparks my creative process growth?

By encouraging experimentation, sharpening problem-solving skills, and promoting resourcefulness – let’s dive into each of them.

The Power of Experimentation

One of the magical things about DIY projects is the freedom to experiment – you know those activities where you don’t need to analyze, give it much thought or criteria to a thing – you just create. Whether you’re repurposing old furniture just like I upcycled this pilates organizer, crafting your own essential oils diffuser, or designing a custom desk for your office, there are no rigid rules to follow – okay?. The best part? You get to explore with so many different materials, methods, and ideas in ways that suit you and YOUR style. This freedom removes the pressure of perfection and opens the door to discovery – say bye to procrastinating, ha!

Experimentation truly encourages your brain to think in new ways you never had before, such as what happens if I mix these two colors of paint? Or if I try a new type of stitch? or a new DIY method I’ve never done before? When you allow yourself to experiment, you can stumble upon techniques and results you never thought possible.

DIY Colourful Desk Calendar Tutorial

Flex, Baby Flex –Your Problem-Solving Muscles

DIY projects are filled with obstacles AND mistakes (I’m the queen at making them). Maybe the piece of wood you were working with doesn’t fit quite right because you missed some calculations, or the glue you used isn’t holding as intended. These challenges will push you to think critically and find creative solutions on the go. This kind of problem-solving is at the heart of my creative process and any new creative skill set.

When you learn to tackle problems head-on during a hands-on project, it can translate to so many other areas of your life – as a mom, a company owner, a team player – You’ll find yourself becoming more adaptable, resilient, and able to approach challenges or problems with a fresh perspectives because you know failing many times preps you to be quick when making decisions.

Stylish Terrazzo Coasters DIY

Encouraging Resourcefulness

When I started my DIY journey I loved I had to polish my extra-mile mindset because often, most projects requires using what you have or finding creative uses for new materials. That broken plant pot? I learned all about Kintsugi – a beautiful Japanese DIY method where broken pieces of pottery are stuck back together with a Japanese lacquer (urushi). Then, the joints are painted and decorated with gold powder, and the pottery continues to be used. I’ve learned all these years that these projects teach you to see potential in the most unexpected things.

This mindset boosts your ability to take everyday resources and turn them into something amazing by allowing you to cultivate a “make-do-and-mend” attitude that goes hand-in-hand with creativity – powerful, isn’t it?

One thing is sure, creativity thrives during moments of hands-on exploration – por supuesto.

My last two-cents for you? Rather than reading about techniques or watching tutorials endlessly (which I still do) – get your hands dirty with a DIY project that will help you learn in real time. At the end of the day, you’re not just imagining how something works; you’re actually experiencing it.

Cute hands-on learning (as a I call it) also creates a direct connection between you and your project. Every cut, stitch, or brushstroke holds a wonderful meaning and serves as a reminder that yes, YOU did that, by yourself. That sense of accomplishment will fuel your creative energy for a while because unlike store-bought items, a DIY project is completely your own.

You’ve poured your time, effort, and personality into it, making the final product a reflection of who you are.

Greener Wrapping Paper DIY

Now, do you see why DIY is more than a pastime for me?

It’s a tool for self-expression and growth as a creative entrepreneur and whether you’re crafting a simple candle or building an entire bookcase, every project is an opportunity to explore, learn, and create something magic.

So grab your tools, open your mind, and let’s see where the process takes you. You might be just as surprised as I did.

Want to follow our DIY adventures? Run here 

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