A Very Different Mother’s Day Celebration

Mother's Day Inspiration

I tried to sit down yesterday to write a cute story about our very different Mother’s Day celebration, and of course that never happened, so HEY! Happy Monday, post-mamas day! 

I think for most of us, this year was a very different one, locked at home, without our families celebrating a very special day, and, I keep asking myself, how do we cope?

Personally, this holiday gave me an extra (much needed) release of many emotions I had accumulated the past weeks, quarantining with my family, like: unconditional love.

And that’s what mothering is all about. 

Where to find the best brunch places in Montreal

I had a very special brunch (from Arthur’s mother’s day menu) with an insane amount of beef bacon, cottage cheese pancakes, latkes and poached eggs – the closest thing to heaven, right? 

Mother's Day Plans

Back to unconditional love, I’m in awe and honoured to be a mom, to celebrate this holiday with you, Nico and Oli. 

I love watching when you discover new things, when you build a new fort (even if our house is upside down most of the time), when you love a breakfast mama prepared for you, and yes, when you even have some meltdowns, because it’s part of growing up, together. 

Because, waking up to Oli’s kisses, is  pretty much everything. 

Mother's Day Celebrations

What I miss the most right now? 

Our weekly dates to cute coffee shops and new brunch spots, where you can explore new adventures with mama.  Seeing you play with your friends at home every weekend, the happiness you felt every day coming back from school (they both love it), and the happiness I felt listening to your stories. 

I’m sure these days are around the corner, and they will be back, soon, my little ones.

Mother's Day activities at home
Ice cream flower cones idea

Mothering could be as sweet as these cones, and I love being a mama, your mama. 

Hope in a few years, you two can read this love letter, because I am better person thanks to you.

Love, mama. (and happy mother’s day!)

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