Let’s Talk About Online Presence For a Minute & My Best Tips To Triumph in The New Year!

After a global pandemic arrived almost 2 years ago, many small businesses had to click a reset button diving into a new reality, understanding that having a website is an essential tool for their businesses beyond just brick and mortar location, are you with me?
Having a solid online presence is in many ways a form of showing the world your values, your creativity, your products and your essence as a brand. Today, in partnership with our GoDaddy friends, I’ll walk you through how you can triumph in the new year with some tips focusing on our online presence, especially as an entrepreneur in Quebec.
This is the case of Arioum Chocolate, another small business included in GoDaddy’s ad campaign that features amazing customers across our province. I had the luck to experience myself a visit to Arioum, located in Montreal, and let me tell you, they not only make delicious chocolates and have the most adorable shop, they’ve also created a beautiful and inviting brand in Montreal with an online presence worthy of admiration.

Looking to start or refresh your website? This tip is for you.
I know many small businesses that have point of sales in the city for the longest time (and are part of the DNA of Montreal) that had to shut down their locations without any online presence or plans in the near future after the pandemic hit us. Remember those days where making a website was an expensive, long-term task involving front-end, back-end programmers and even a project manager? I’m SO happy that era is way behind us thanks to GoDaddy’s website solutions.
The possibilities are truly endless with GoDaddy, with tons of easy-to-use, plug and play templates available, you can design and start your small business’ website and your online shop for free with GoDaddy. The quality of your website will impact your business (from my own experience as an entrepreneur) and having a mobile-optimized website is key, as many local search queries are coming mostly from mobile devices.
We know the internet is gigantic sphere, but your business needs to be present for sure now, more than ever.

Social is key, after your website is ready to run!
You did your homework and now your website is ready? Let’s jump to our next task: social platforms! They are a key factor for your business, helping with awareness and driving traffic to the new website you just built yourself (high-five, hero!).
Besides awareness, SEO plays a big part when our social accounts are connected with our web platforms. Besides the most popular platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook) I also recommend you to create a Foursquare profile, a google page, and yelp.
Tag your location, link your website and online shop in most of your social posts, encouraging people to use them spreading the word for you, win win!

SEO is the MVP here, ok?
I used to be terrified every single time I read SEO, until I understood search engines must be my BFFs, moving forward. Before I launched my studio website (created with GoDaddy’s website solutions) I had already worked on my social platforms and SEO a bit. I started by creating a google business page (because you know it, Google is the number one search platform in the planet), so I knew this was key to build up my online presence.
As soon as the google page is created, people can find your business through your name, your business categories, and even the photos you upload to your page, so keeping it organized, neat and posting frequently will keep the ball rolling.

I truly hope these tips will help you get started and they motivate you to work on building your dreamy online presence. Can’t thank enough GoDaddy for sponsoring this post today and partnering with us, helping many entrepreneurs around the globe to achieve their dreams.
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