8 Self-Care Rituals To Try These Days at Home

Self-Care Rituals During These Days

WHAT – A – WEEK (I’m already exhausted and it’s Sunday, wow). We stayed at home since Friday with the kids in a self-quarantine that started across our country since the coronavirus game is frankly changing too fast for my taste. 

When I started reading all over the news about social distancing, I had no clue what this could mean to someone like me (hello, extrovert life) – (aka me). I had to understand these times are all about our common health, and not only mine. What to do at this point, where everything we see, read and watch is about the virus while we stay sane at the same time? 

My best idea this week? Putting together 8 self-care rituals to try these days at home, while we all take care of our families. 

Self-Care Rituals During The Coronavirus Crisis

Don’t be plugged to news all day

I’ve been guilty of doing this before and trust me, it won’t help. Establish a little routine and only check major breaking news and twice a day (morning and evening). Doing this, helped me reduce my anxiety tremendously. 

Catch up with books, podcasts, audiobooks, tv shows

serve yourself a cup of tea (I love peppermint and chamomile during stressful situations) and don’t feel bad spending a few hours reading a book, listening to a podcast or watching your favourite tv show you didn’t have the chance to finish. Yes to binge-watching all the shows! 

How to take care of yourself with these rituals

Do theme menu nights and try new recipes

As a huge foodie, I knew some extra time at home is more time to cook with my little ones. Since Friday, I’ve been adding one new recipe I’ve never done before including theme days! You can try: Italian night with fresh pasta, pizza night, comfort soup day, Chinese-inspired plates, Quesadillas, taco nights. 

This morning, I surprised everyone with homemade biscuits, soft eggs with melted cheese and hot sauce (for adults only) – magic! Remember this cute strawberry manchego crostinis? try them, they’re SO good!

Kids are napping? Start an e-course!

I’m a big fan of online classes and these days are the perfect timing to learn something new. I want to do some pottery lessons, pilates and yoga online

routines to help you relieve the anxiety

Some me time, with a beauty routine 

Soak up all the serums, the face masks, exfoliations and treatments you have accumulated in your drawer all these months. Now it’s the time, your very own me time. While you’re at it, light a candle, focus your feelings on gratitude and good energy. I’ve been trying this 28-day youth boost I’ve been loving!

Learn how to boost your immune system

..and no, toilet people won’t help. The key to boost your immune system? Plenty of vitamins when you need a boost. My top three: Blueberries, kiwis and oranges. Did you try these mini poke bowls? Kiwis are magic!


tips to help you release some anxiety

Be mindful and enjoy some time outside 

On my Instagram stories, I shared many tips of things we can all do during our self-quarantine: take little walks or strolls around your neighbourhood, avoid large crowds and playgrounds with other kids, get fresh air and if the weather allows, use your patio! do some gardering, eat outside.

Create a family routine

I’ve seen lists and schedules all over social media (that I won’t be able to stick to), so start a routine, whatever makes sense for you, your routine and your lifestyle. We took all our toys and created a big area where we can play together  (our living room). We read some books, cook together (Oli has been loving this lately), do some homework (this isn’t a snow day break), and have lots of patience.

Self Rituals to help you release anxiety

Act virtuosly, we shouldn’t put our convenience above other’s safety. We should be in this together. 

Always remember, be kind, help each other. Sending you all healing vibes, and much love.


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