Happy Blogiversary Number 8!

Hey Maca Blog

2941 days have passed, TWO THOUSAND days! What!  

Last month marks 8 years since I wrote my first blog post (Oh hey, Kale chips!) Happy Blogiversary numero 8, Hey Maca! (self-high-fivessss-because-I-still-can’t-believe-it!) A personal project that started the year Nico was born as my creative escape during my first maternity leave and it became a few years after into my passion, my full time job, and my third baby (a real cute one). After all these months, days and hours blogging, I kept coming back here, writing and believing that this little space could help you, in many ways. 

As a source of good, I’ve always wanted to help everyone around me to live a colourful life, to share beautiful places where you could create beautiful memories, to find (and eat) many yummy hidden gems, to travel along and discover many adventures, to share snaps of motherhood, life and how you can find joy in simple things around you. 

To celebrate this very special milestone, I finally did it, a branding refresh (with the help of my beautiful friend, Patty) that now includes all the projects we have going on: the shop, this little space and the studio! I’m so happy with the final result, the colour palette and how joyful it is, best way to party our eight year anniversary of blogging! (did you see the sketch/inspo below?)

We can’t thank you enough for your love, support, sweet messages, and for being there along the way, for having each of you by our side. 

Branding Ideas Draft

Can you spy the smiley face?

Hey Maca Studio

As part of the celebrations, here’s a round up of the best blog posts you have loved from the last years, yay!

– Love post, Nicolas

– Oh baby shower!

An indie New York City Guide with Kids

30 reasons why you’ll love being 30

– The best insta worthy wall crawl in Montreal

Our Disneyland aventure!

Hey Maca Montreal

Hope you love this round up, and cheers to the weekend! 

Want to follow our life adventures? Run here 

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Shop our products here | Visit our studio here

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